99.9% of fishing is from my boat.
It is good to see the commercial Pollock ban has been extended to 2026, and we are seeing much larger Pollock on the wrecks, 2024 gave me about 20 doubles with the best fish going just over 15lb, this year I am hoping for larger. Also, we are seeing more
Cod on the wrecks, fish of 10lb Plus.
Coalfish made a comeback in 2024, so hoping that continues into 2025, we had several to about 10lb.
Also, I want to spend more time after the Turbot, now that I have located and explored a good area for them.
Over 50 years of fishing and I still have not managed a double bass, plenty of 'almosts' , fish to 9lb 13oz, but the double eludes me.
Grandson wants a 50lb dildo fish, so I will have to anchor a wreck or two.
We want a 20lb plus blond, so far we have managed a 18lb'er, so it's getting close.
Not interested in Tuna as I had one at 800lb in 2022, also not too interested in sharks, however, we are seeing a huge amount of BFT between July and December, I am talking 1000's not 100's, one shoal can often be over a 100 (noisy bast'ids).
Seeing more Dolphin is always welcome, saw plenty in 2024, so hope it continues into 2025, when the Dolphin are around, often the fishing is excellent. Once the dolphin start tracking my boat, I slow down to 20kts which is about their max speed, and they stay with me for miles.