Always happy to answer questions so hope this hasn’t put you off the forum, but it is possible to overanalyse things imo.
Some anglers really do love the technical side of things and nothing wrong with that.
For me personally, if I can’t make a rig with beads, swivels, hooks and the odd clip, I don’t use it, but we’re all different.
I find rig making a total chore and usually do just enough to get me fishing, I’ll worry about more after that.
But if you don’t know, you don’t know, so there’s no such thing as the wrong question.
But as Stan said and as I’ve said previously, you can plan everything and things still crop up on the day that you hadn’t anticipated.
It happens to experienced anglers and even more so when you’re starting out.
Generally speaking fishing is only as complicated as you want to make it.
I’m more interested in tides, conditions and bait rather than rigs, line and knots.
That’s not a pop, as I say, some love the technical and planning side and that’s fine, but ultimately it all boils down to being on the beach or rocks and fishing and (hopefully) actually catching fish.
I’ve spent a lot of time in the past in my shed typing up rigs and trying knots and new components, then I lose all the fancy stuff in the first couple of hours out and catch a decent fish on the crappy rig that’s been in the wallet for two years

Most likely because I was in the right place at the right time and using the right bait, not because of the rigs or knots or line or reel I was using.
There’s no real point to all the above but it’s just things to think on. You’ll find your own way and what works best for you in due course.