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Wots yer biggest cod ??

Tatunka joe

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
So after that 59 lb beast was snagged be interesting to hear wots the biggest cod you had beach or boat this country pics welcome mines only 7 lb on a stormy night on chisel can’t find a pic ?but not really worth seeing be good to see your pigs tho ?
Boat UK 21Lbs
Shore UK 12½Lbs
Shore Norway 21Lbs

Other half:
Shore UK 4Lbs
Shore Norway 28Lbs 14ozs (spent fish, was easily 35+ in condition) and 28Lbs 10ozs (prime condition fish that gave Jax one hell of a good fight)
Mine is only 7lb. The number of cod I’ve caught can be counted on one hand. Now living back in the south east, I intend to remedy that!
Good luck.
Not had a UK shore caught cod for 6 seasons now? used to catch 100+ in the mid 2000's
Even struggling on the boat the past 6 seasons.
They have just disappeared ??
Good luck.
Not had a UK shore caught cod for 6 seasons now? used to catch 100+ in the mid 2000's
Even struggling on the boat the past 6 seasons.
They have just disappeared ??
Thanks for the info mate, I may have my work cut out! I take it dungeoness isn’t the mark it once was?
About 7lb, from Kingsdown, Kent, about 30 years ago

Boat, about 5lb, Bridlington

last one, about 8 ounces, from Burnham on Mud about 4 years ago.
Thanks for the info mate, I may have my work cut out! I take it dungeoness isn’t the mark it once was?
Not even a shadow of what it was.
To be fair, 90% of the cod were caught by 10% of the anglers.
I think for rod hours fished, kingsdown butts was a more productive venue.
7lb 8 oz 2014 or 15 from gravesend mates got pics somewhere been tryna get him to print them off for a couple years now ... he had a 9lbs the same night awesome pic of us with them both wish I'd taken my own pics now
The Scottish cod was 49lb I think!

Anyhoo, not too great for me in this country.
Shore: 5lb 7
Boat: 16 or 17lb, I forget exactly but it was a wreck fish and wasn’t really weighed properly.
Boat Norway: 63lb ?

View attachment 12400
Be honest did you have sex with that fish cause the look on its face said you did ?

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