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What do i target , Sole or Hounds?

1 rod after each maybe if their at the same mark ...concentrating on one species usually works better for me but if I had sole out there I'd be tempted to try for both
1 rod after each maybe if their at the same mark ...concentrating on one species usually works better for me but if I had sole out there I'd be tempted to try for both
I'm with you. however the mark I'm fishing there not in numbers there in size more than anything.

i may half to do the both see if i can pick up both. just hope theres crab available! whats your go to rig when sole fishing? I've always done a 3 hook clip down size 6's , but seem to miss a lot !:(
I suppose you need to see about the crabs before deciding? I’d do one on each mate. For soles, I used to use 2 hook clipped down rigs with size 2 hooks.
Crabs are a go go ! and just heard from the grapevine that hounds are also in the area!, time to tie up some rigs and get down there i think!
You ever had a sole? them boys fight like hell! ? :cool:
I've watched a chap dragging in what he said was 'a big, big, ray' from Boscombe Pier to find that it was a sole not even 3lb.
As for unhooking them I've always compared it to trying to get a three year old kid into a car seat when the kid decides against it, arched back and refusal to cooperate.
To of my favourite fish to catch seen a sole bite pull a rod out the rest once and that little vibration you get just as they come thru the gully quality hope you bag up o. Both bey ??
yes 2 of my favourite too! , got the crab , got the worm, time to head out !!, thanks @Tatunka joe i hope i do too !
I'm with you. however the mark I'm fishing there not in numbers there in size more than anything.

i may half to do the both see if i can pick up both. just hope theres crab available! whats your go to rig when sole fishing? I've always done a 3 hook clip down size 6's , but seem to miss a lot !:(

I wouldn't want to give advice about sole really ,seeing as only caught about a dozen ever, not something I target usually but size 2 hooks and small small lug baits, like little finger sized, have done me bites when I have tried...
Think the neatness of the bait comes into it more than with other species so keep em small seems to be standard from more experienced sole anglers than me.
I put a Swan shot on the hookleght about 4 inches above the hook to keep the bait on the deck and rod tips low so the bait stays down.
Sole, no contest. Far tastier & fits in the Frying pan better!

If I wanted a Hound, I could borrow next door's Alsatian!
They might be a bit upset when you eat it though mate…
Haha! I grew up with an Alsation - love 'em. She's a lovely Dog but had no training what so ever - very unruly.

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