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Someone gets banned..

Have you seen all the Russians on the site today,all joined Nov.23. Not been seen since then up until today.I've reported 12 of them to Admin.
How can you tell ? I can't see anything obvious .
How can you tell ? I can't see anything obvious .
As explained below,they were removed so you would not see anything obvious .
That's because the post was from yesterday.I reported it to Admin and they have been removed.
I think that answers your question quite clearly.
What is it with your reluctance/inability to answer simple questions from new members, with an informative reply ?
It was an informative reply,it answered your query that you could not see anything obvious because the offenders had been removed by Admin.I can't put it any clearer.If you're quick you will see one of the offending Russians.


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I could say TIME gentlemen, there seems to be a lot of niggle just now in which case Dr groundswell recommends a dose of sea fishing, to be repeated as and when necessary, also let's not go down the road of the technicalities of reels and other nonsense otherwise it will be a course of lectures in other words you will get the p*ss ripped right out of ya 🎣 🎣 🎣
What is it with your reluctance/inability to answer simple questions from new members, with an informative reply ?

If you go to the main intro page of the forum where all the various sections are, go right to the bottom to members online. You will see who is logged in. mary something or other was there until about 10 mins ago, if you clicked on that user it showed you from russia. Been removed now by the god of hellfire ( I assume).

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 20-28-57 (1) Talk Sea Fishing Forums - UK Sea Angling Advice and Catc...png
I just wondered who/what the issue is with "Russians" & if it's some sort of problem how does it manifest to forum members.
I'm still none the wiser but hay if it's a secret I'll just ignore it :unsure::whistle:

Thanks stan, I guess the forum just anti Russian ref Ukraine, no prob with that.
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I just wondered who/what the issue is with "Russians" & if it's some sort of problem how does it manifest to forum members.
I'm still none the wiser but hay if it's a secret I'll just ignore it :unsure::whistle:

Thanks stan, I guess the forum just anti Russian ref Ukraine, no prob with that.
Nothing directly to do with Ukraine. These are robots, not real people, only on to gather information. A few days ago there were about 7 or 8 of them, mary1234, mary5678, mary9101112 etc etc etc.
Russian bride anyone... :D 🤣


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