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Ted’s fishing at chesil


Active member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Morning peeps
My good friend Pete @chesilpete and I went to west chesil for a couple of sessions
Glorious weather for the first after flats
Spiders were on it , sniping hooks for a pass time. !!
We managed one good plaice each and several tub gurnard
We went again yesterday afternoon ( I know
weather forecast was bad ) we had chesil to ourselves at least 8mile of it so plenty of room for wayward casting !!
It was biblical in the end and we had to give in !!
Ted had just had a corporate hair cut and
apart from putting back straps didn’t enjoy the sess. !!
I sneaked a reasonable hound on a size 1
rag bait out for a flat , plenty of straps and pout
Conditions got the better of us and we were off the beach before high which is most unusual for us
Here’s a few pics even Ted’s smiling at the hound
Stay lucky


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Great report Charr! Well done to you & Pete for sticking it out in poor conditions. 🎣🎣👍👍
Cheers guys
Chesil is a challenge at the moment
It’s about picking time of day and tide flow
Still it’s called fishing not catching for a reason !!
My thoughts have already turned to cod fishing this year
I wonder what sizes of year class are going to turn up ?
Last thought on Chesil the mackerel haven’t really turned up onshore
I think when they do it’ll trigger the beach to fish better
Stay lucky
Nice one charr, couple of half descent sessions. And Ted still loves a days fishing, as does Pete.. 🎣 🎣

Abbotsbury.If you want anywhere else do your own search.Don't expect others to do the job for you,it's not rocket science.;)
No it isn't,
but it seems a waste to visit them all just to find out the cost of parking, at each, when I can ask if anyone happens to know, as the list doesn't say where it's for :eek:
Or do you just enjoy being argumentative ?
but it seems a waste to visit them all just to find out the cost of parking, at each, when I can ask if anyone happens to know, as the list doesn't say where it's for :eek:
Sorry I couldn't be more obliging.You don't have to "visit them all".A waste of time for you apparently but ok for me to have a look and post.Try Google yourself if you want further info. Piss Off.:censored:
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