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North Wales Spawn of Padrig?

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
For those of you who remember the tale of Padrig, the unstoppable beast of Northern Anglesey, I've just seen this on Facebook.

Washed up on an Anglesey beach and tentatively identified as a mermaids purse from a flapper skate! šŸ˜®

This was one of the more plausible suggestions made for the identity of the beast, as they were apparently once caught in the area by commercial fishermen. So who knows, this could possibly have contained the spawn of Padrig šŸ¤”.
Or it could of been washed up from travelling from who knows where or is the monster from the deep still around šŸ¤”

Out of interest are dogfish still being caught with bands round them ?
Or it could of been washed up from travelling from who knows where or is the monster from the deep still around šŸ¤”

Out of interest are dogfish still being caught with bands round them ?
It's quite possible that the mermaids purse might have drifted for quite a distance but Arron Smith, a charter skipper from Holyhead says that he knows of at least 3 skate caught commercially in nets off Anglesey and 2 more caught on rod and line, all within 2 miles of shore :oops:.

As for banded doggies, yes they are still being caught. I haven't had one for a few years now but I heard of 1 caught last year.
Or it could of been washed up from travelling from who knows where or is the monster from the deep still around šŸ¤”

Out of interest are dogfish still being caught with bands round them ?
Not since they put magnets in the bands ;)
Many years ago on the Darkside there was talk that magnets gave you less chance of catching Dogfish ie magnet as your weight and so on.
So were people deliberately using magnets to avoid dogfish? I didn't realise that you could get magnet weights.
It's an interesting premise and something that I wrote about in a coarse fishing magazine a few years ago, in relation to barbel fishing. A couple of tackle companies had bought out hook boxes with magnets in the bottom of each section to stop the hooks from falling out. I had noticed that the steel hooks had become slightly magnetised after being in the box for a while so wondered if the weak magnetic field given off by the hook might put barbel off taking a bait. I carried out a season long comparison of two baits fished on two rods but close together in the same swim, one with a hook out of a packet and one that came out of the magnetised box, same setup, same size and type of bait, same hook size and pattern.

Maybe this needs to go on the freshwater thread so that we don't take over Andy's thread.
Sorry mate.... I was that pissed on new years eve I got half a naan down in one go.
Obvs the water company let it flush straight through, sniff your fingers can you smell Dhansak and Guinness?
Sorry mate.... I was that pissed on new years eve I got half a naan down in one go.
Obvs the water company let it flush straight through, sniff your fingers can you smell Dhansak and Guinness?
Not sure your on the correct thread :ROFLMAO:

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