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Good luck Paul! ????
Off to samphire tomorrow with the missus fingers crossed , got a good choice of baits , gonna try double flapper one one and float on other rod , see what's out there then hythe beach Friday , yey fun time
Well it was a great day , nice weather , a visit by the spitfire and the fish was hungry, 6 dogfish and a reasonable wrasse for me , a blenny , pouting and two dogfish for the missus let's see what hythe brings tomorrow
Well done did you find many snags lol!
Well done Paul - good report and some great photos! ??(y)(y)
What is the latest time you can stay there
ie if I want to fish till 11pm can I get out

Hope this helps.
Yes I've been on the Web site so when they say dusk does that mean the exit barrier will not operate (open)
Yes on the way out b4 you go onto a20 its been there ages
Never heard of the place - long way from me! Just had a look on Street view - I think Google was last there December 2020, and yes, there is a barrier. Looks like you could drive around it though!

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