I watched a carp video a while ago where a lad went to fish in Spain. He's used to doing the tunnel or the Pompey to St Malo hop to fish in France. The French authorities are used to this and don't care about checking vans for the most part. For this trip, he took the Plymouth to Santander ferry. The Spanish customs officers are not used to seeing vans loaded with tackle, so they were suspicious. Post Brexit, authorities in the EU can charge import duty on products in personal cars if they feel that the amount exceeds a sensible amount. They opened up this lad's van and saw it rammed full of fishing tackle.
They asked him to value it, he came up with a figure of around £12k (a conservative estimate) and then they proceeded to charge him VAT for bringing it into Spain, at the price of around two and half grand. Furthermore, they told him to photograph every item he had, then when he got back to Santander, if he could prove it was all still in his van to go back to the UK, he'd get his two and half grand back.
Which to be fair to the Spanish authorities, they did indeed pay him back when they saw he'd brought the same kit back with him.
The point of the story is - we've probably got a lot more tackle in ££ that we realise.