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Advice Re-Crimping tool

Another one for phonewire. Easy to loosen move and retighten without damage The chances are you will fracture even soft copper crimps if you start squashing and unsquashing them leaving sharp edges inside where you can't see them
Is there such a thing?
Im sat here re-tying a few match rigs (three hook clip downs) and despite the soft copper crimps being lightly pinched, they are a pig to un crimp with pliers, move and re crimp.

Is there a tool that helps return their cylindrical shape prior to re crimping?
Have you looked for electrical crimp pliers for cars and motorbikes?
So it's about matching the crimp and hole and I think it's got leg

If you put a thin shim or maybe a piece from a tin can in the jaw before you drill, the hole will be smaller slightly oval when you remove the shim and pinch the plier

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