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Prawns as bait

I use a prawn trap off the promenade over the road from where I live and you seem to get the bigger ones where it's rocky. You also get lots of crabs too.
If you get a shrimp net and just push it over the sandy bit, you find mostly brown shrimp. There was a guy out there today shrimping that my landlord was talking to and he had got lots of small weevers in his net today, the first one managed to sting him apparently. View attachment 17001
Fish the trap off the bottom a bit less crabs then.
If you use a drop net style trap and retrieve it every few minutes I find there's usually 2 to 6 each time and that quickly builds over an hour... using the trap types and leaving over a tide seems to get 20 odd from the same spot . Every.area different I guess but personally get lot more by retrieving a drop net frequently
If you use a drop net style trap and retrieve it every few minutes I find there's usually 2 to 6 each time and that quickly builds over an hour... using the trap types and leaving over a tide seems to get 20 odd from the same spot . Every.area different I guess but personally get lot more by retrieving a drop net frequently
Yes that’s a good way to do it too.

But you can just retrieve your trap every 20 minutes or so too.
In fact, that’s wise otherwise fish can quite often get in and scoff all your prawns!

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