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Penn 525 Mag4


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
I was offered one in great condition for £60 and I bought it. I'm expecting @blakdog is back to give me a hard time, but I've been struggling to find an affordable Fathom II.
BUT then, some say the Fathom II and Mag4 innards are not very much different, but the Fathom's advantage being an all-metal body.

I'm awaiting member reactions with interest !! ;):D
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I was offered one in great condition for £60 and I bought it. I'm expecting @blakdog is back to give me a hard time, but I've been struggling to find an affordable Fathom II.
Now; some say the Fathom II and Mag4 innards are not very much different, but the Fathom's advantage being an all-metal body.

I'm awaiting member reactions with interest !! ;)
To be honest mate, they are not the best of multis, build quality is very poor. But you only paid £60, so cant complain really.

What Fathom II were you looking for, and how much are you looking to spend ?

It was you who bought the Abu wasn't it ?

I've got a pair of the original 525 mag's & utterly love them, I'd take them over my C3 mag elite any day.
Having been away from angling for a while I've no idea about the mag4 other than the colour,
which to me looks cheap & nasty, but "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" as they say.
To be honest mate, they are not the best of multis, build quality is very poor. But you only paid £60, so cant complain really.

What Fathom II were you looking for, and how much are you looking to spend ?

To be honest mate, they are not the best of multis, build quality is very poor. But you only paid £60, so cant complain really.

What Fathom II were you looking for, and how much are you looking to spend ?

Yeah, I only paid £60 and it'll do just fine for now as part of my starter tackle mix !
So I'm not looking for a (the recommended) Fathom II any more right now: idc possibly, but not right now unless, of course, you are about to offer me the bargain-price of the century for any #Fathom II variant ! LOL.
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I was offered one in great condition for £60 and I bought it. I'm expecting @blakdog is back to give me a hard time, but I've been struggling to find an affordable Fathom II.
BUT then, some say the Fathom II and Mag4 innards are not very much different, but the Fathom's advantage being an all-metal body.

I'm awaiting member reactions with interest !! ;):D
On a positive note you have saved some other poor mug from buying it .... mind its a bit like taking a bullet for Trump :LOL:
I've got a pair of the original 525 mag's & utterly love them, I'd take them over my C3 mag elite any day.
Having been away from angling for a while I've no idea about the mag4 other than the colour,
which to me looks cheap & nasty, but "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" as they say.
From what I can tell, you and many others @Angrybear rate (what I assume to be) the #1's highly. But then #2 and #3 525s seem to have a (n)reaction. Then the #4 seems to be loved or denigrated in equal part. Personal preferences and experiences: I've now got a #4 and who knows what I will think over time ?
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I got offered a pair of them a few weeks ago, I asked for advice on this forum, and ended up saying no thanks.Before I said no thanks I asked my local tackle shop, & they advised me to say no which I did.
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I was offered one in great condition for £60 and I bought it. I'm expecting @blakdog is back to give me a hard time, but I've been struggling to find an affordable Fathom II.
BUT then, some say the Fathom II and Mag4 innards are not very much different, but the Fathom's advantage being an all-metal body.

I'm awaiting member reactions with interest !! ;):D
Use it.
Abuse it.
Bin it.
At £60, it's disposable.
Use it.
Abuse it.
Bin it.
At £60, it's disposable.
Well that was what I was sort-of thinking, but, then again, £60 is not exactly throw-away money so I am hoping it will last for a while without issues. (Any sort of 3rd party repair is not exactly cheap!) Some say Penn's Chinese-built quality is variable - some decent & some really duff. Fingers crossed then. At least I won't be worrying too much about trashing it in some way or other !
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