For any other fishers coming down this way (and subject to any input from Stinger from his Par holiday):
I went to check out Par beach today at low tide to get a feel for it fishing-wise. (Two birds with one stone as grand-nieces wanted a chance to run with my little dog so bit of a family outing, which was nice

I was reminded by my big Sis' that fishing from Imerys' Par docks is possible with a purchased permit (I'm not sure from whom) and big Sis could not understand any possible interest in fishing a beach when other folk are prepared to pay for fishing a nearby dock.
[All 3 of my sisters are only too inclined to challenge anything & everything their 2 brothers wish to do contrary to their female logic - it's pretty much 100% predictable - LOL. ]
Today, at slack tide verging on a new moon, a
decent enough survey of the sands @ low tide was possible.
Not as many worm-casts as per youthful memory (post #4), but still quite prevalent with certain areas of the beach much more "inhabited" than others. (I have those marked-out in my head

The long narrow strand of rock that I mentioned previously (#4) is, on inspection, actually two strands of obviously man-made "groynes" of large boulders which eventually converge onto a single strand farther out. Sand on the upper beach side of the "groynes" is higher than on the sea side so I'm guessing they were placed to counter a curling current (E to W) over the beach to help reduce the gradual sanding-up of the docks entrance (?).
Besides the worm-casts, quite a few mini & small crab cases were noticed as well as a couple of small razor clam shells. I'm definitely going to try-out this beach.
For any visiting fishers (in particular for new beach fishers like me) this is a very shallow beach - at the very lowest of tides the exposed "flat" tidal sands go on for ever & ever, but, of course, the water depth on a fast rising tide will also increase very quickly over quite a range with a long wade back to the front of the tide in no time at all if not paying attention !
[Almost forgot to mention: no means of coinage payment for parking. Make sure you take a "card" for day-time parking.]