Well-known member
Down to Weymouth yesterday afternoon looking for some more species for my Hunt.
I was hoping for a Goldsinny, pout, macky and gar... And whatever else showed would be a bonus.
After a quick stop for bait and lures in Weymouth tackle shop it was into a very busy carpark!.... Took ages just to get a spot, then onto the pleasure pier.
First few drops got instant pollack, then a pout for the hunt ?.... Nice and easy that one, then a surprise, my first ever coalfish!... Didn't expect that, but very happy.
Quick change of rig to get down quicker and first drop up comes another target... A nice little Goldsinny.
I've only ever had 1 before at Weymouth so was happy again.
After that it was fish a drop, loads of various wrasse.... Lots of Tompots, black gobbies and pout made up the majority of the fish.
Time for a change to look for a Macky and gar, so moved over to the Stone pier.
A quick chat told me that they were very thin on the ground. Oh well, on went an expensive new metal lure.... Beautiful it was, and out it went with a lovely wiggle coming back in.
2nd cast, gave it a wack.... Shit ?
Don't know why, but the braid (what was left of it) was fluttering down without my nice new lure ?
Enough of that, out went a float which bobbed about on the ripples, nothing at all interested though in my sandeel.
A 2nd rod I used to scratch about all over, and while it kept me busy, nothing different showed up, just a steady stream of ballans/Corkwings and small pout.
By 2030, I'd had enough so headed home tired and happy with another busy day.
Cheers Si.

I was hoping for a Goldsinny, pout, macky and gar... And whatever else showed would be a bonus.
After a quick stop for bait and lures in Weymouth tackle shop it was into a very busy carpark!.... Took ages just to get a spot, then onto the pleasure pier.
First few drops got instant pollack, then a pout for the hunt ?.... Nice and easy that one, then a surprise, my first ever coalfish!... Didn't expect that, but very happy.
Quick change of rig to get down quicker and first drop up comes another target... A nice little Goldsinny.
I've only ever had 1 before at Weymouth so was happy again.
After that it was fish a drop, loads of various wrasse.... Lots of Tompots, black gobbies and pout made up the majority of the fish.
Time for a change to look for a Macky and gar, so moved over to the Stone pier.
A quick chat told me that they were very thin on the ground. Oh well, on went an expensive new metal lure.... Beautiful it was, and out it went with a lovely wiggle coming back in.
2nd cast, gave it a wack.... Shit ?
Don't know why, but the braid (what was left of it) was fluttering down without my nice new lure ?
Enough of that, out went a float which bobbed about on the ripples, nothing at all interested though in my sandeel.
A 2nd rod I used to scratch about all over, and while it kept me busy, nothing different showed up, just a steady stream of ballans/Corkwings and small pout.
By 2030, I'd had enough so headed home tired and happy with another busy day.
Cheers Si.