Looking at the match results in my area over the last year and the same names do crop up consistently in the top ten. Some of these names I know from thirty years ago but doubt they would remember me. Decided I will use my TTSM rods as I know them and what I can do with them with my limited capabilities. Went to Hastings today and watched a match while sitting in the car scoffing fish and chips. The conditions were not great with big tide and strong wind creating a big swell but you gotta love a challenge. Also swapped a fly rod and reel for a new any fish GBFS pro today and have just built the butt up for low reel and fitted a casting cannon so hoping to get out over the next couple of days casting to see how I get on with it and the braid. Hopefully I'll learn about different venues and more effective ways of fishing them although I can imagine some of the successful guys being quite secretive.
Good.. otherwise we fell out in the 90’s.
If you were who I thought you were the last time I saw you I battered you with a table leg for picking on an autistic person..
Good.. otherwise we fell out in the 90’s.
If you were who I thought you were the last time I saw you I battered you with a table leg for picking on an autistic person..
Looking at the match results in my area over the last year and the same names do crop up consistently in the top ten. Some of these names I know from thirty years ago but doubt they would remember me. Decided I will use my TTSM rods as I know them and what I can do with them with my limited capabilities. Went to Hastings today and watched a match while sitting in the car scoffing fish and chips. The conditions were not great with big tide and strong wind creating a big swell but you gotta love a challenge. Also swapped a fly rod and reel for a new any fish GBFS pro today and have just built the butt up for low reel and fitted a casting cannon so hoping to get out over the next couple of days casting to see how I get on with it and the braid. Hopefully I'll learn about different venues and more effective ways of fishing them although I can imagine some of the successful guys being quite secretive.
I was a dedicated match angler when i was younger. club and open matches loved it at first. then i became robotised. i just fished to win the enjoyment side was slowly dissapearing. to the point winning was more important than the actual fishing.. some match anglers say winning isn't important " bolocks " think twice before spending your money i dont fish any competitions these days. but give it a try.
Brilliantly put.
Got talked into the very small local club league. 3rd place year 1. Didn't take it seriously and had a bit of a laugh.
Got talked into another year and was asked to take it seriously.
So I did.
Dropped 1 match and smashed the rest. Finished 1st (think I had enough points to claim 2nd and 3rd as well.
Hated every second of it.
I'd rather do things for shits and giggles. Competitive sport is not for me.
To the op,
Just try and keep the fun element if you do go
I fished several trout matches with members of the English and Scottish national teams.. they did indeed pull the fun out of it.. three fish on at once.. asking other anglers to help them land the fish..
I fished several trout matches with members of the English and Scottish national teams.. they did indeed pull the fun out of it.. three fish on at once.. asking other anglers to help them land the fish..
The reson I enjoy are club matches is the banter from a few days before to the meet and during the wassap never lets up constantly shit houseing each other no one is safe from pics of look wot I just caught ie 12 lb Huss caught 4 yrs ago to videos of pepole tangleing with one another the boat comps are even worse if you drop a fish you get hammerd the skipper gets hammerd everyone on the boat gets hammerd that’s the real reson I enjoy our club comps so much it’s just a bunch of blokes behaveing like dicks
Fished coarse fishing comps for a team for years and fell out of love with it the miles I put in and money on bait travel pools etc. won a match one winter never enjoyed a second of it picked up my winnings and quit there and then from the team and hardly coarse fish now. Started doing the same with the sea fishing and things started to go the same route. Took a break and now pleasure fish where and when I want and targeting different species. I get more satisfaction planning what where and when and that coming off than picking up an envelope in a match but each to their own, try it and if it starts to take away the reasons you love fishing have a break and do some pleasure sessions.
Fished coarse fishing comps for a team for years and fell out of love with it the miles I put in and money on bait travel pools etc. won a match one winter never enjoyed a second of it picked up my winnings and quit there and then from the team and hardly coarse fish now. Started doing the same with the sea fishing and things started to go the same route. Took a break and now pleasure fish where and when I want and targeting different species. I get more satisfaction planning what where and when and that coming off than picking up an envelope in a match but each to their own, try it and if it starts to take away the reasons you love fishing have a break and do some pleasure sessions.
I'll still pleasure fish as well as the matches as I only intend to match fish once a month. Some I know have fished four comps over the Christmas break .
I'll still pleasure fish as well as the matches as I only intend to match fish once a month. Some I know have fished four comps over the Christmas break .
I've watched a few matches now and will be using my TTSM rods as I'm comfortable using them with any casting style. Have a good supplier of bait but need to get to know the venues but will only learn them by fishing and watching others.
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