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Leeda tripod

I think , like everything it's a general use and some like different products for their needs,

the best I feel and (agree the salty has bendy legs) is to make one that suits our personal needs, which if I get this workshop I will want to do ,
Totally agree with you on that ,iv got my salty in the workshop right now awaiting major surgery, I'm going to get rid of them stupid leg bars ,and get some decent legs on it cant stand front legs bending ,looks a bit like a new born foul on the raz
YIA ? Interesting , I borrowed one years ago, didn't like it , couldn't get hold of a gold, so landed on salt which I have become to love
I had the Leeda, thought they were a decent 'pod', only thing I had to do with mine was to glue the legholder plastic bit which slots into the the bottom cup thingy in place as it kept falling out, other than that it was really good.
I had the Leeda, thought they were a decent 'pod', only thing I had to do with mine was to glue the legholder plastic bit which slots into the the bottom cup thingy in place as it kept falling out, other than that it was really good.
Good point, I ended up zip tying mine. I did forget that! Nothing is perfect it seems!
Agree with the leg holder pain in the @rse ,I've got the adjustable legs one and apart from that a good strong tripod (but heavy compared to the Goldsy one) really good on the rivers when you want the rods down low for flattie bashing.

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