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Jolly Boys do Norway Part 1

Great report and some nice fish and I think I’ve seen at least one of those faces on an FB post with some nice……. No, no spoilers. Looking forward to part 2.
I suspect it was your mark 😬
But yes, I’ll follow up with that, much more to come!
Great report, looking forward to
I suspect it was your mark 😬
But yes, I’ll follow up with that, much more to come!
A long steam but worth it. Actually from when they recently posted that four anglers had had a stonking session I did see from their pics that they were fishing nearby but at a different spot which we will investigate very soon! 5th July can’t come quickly enough.
Great report, looking forward to

A long steam but worth it. Actually from when they recently posted that four anglers had had a stonking session I did see from their pics that they were fishing nearby but at a different spot which we will investigate very soon! 5th July can’t come quickly enough.
I’ve got a screenshot so shout if you want it?
Great report Tony and fabulous photos. Nice Cod, flatties, and love that Ling. 🎣🎣👍👍👍
No we ran out of sugar on the 4 th day mr fish 🐟 had a proper hissy fit 🤦🏻
I guess he's having a lie down before commencing on parts 2 to Infinity! 😂😂

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