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It's a bit QUIET ?

Landlocked Northants

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2020
Reaction score
Northampton, Northamptonshire, UK
Favourite Fishing
Ain't nobody gone fishing ??.
No posts for a few days?
Too windy perhaps or a little bit wet ?
Or just fancied the weekend with her indoors perhaps?
I done a carp one but not been sea as heaving with weed and people everywhere lol
Doesn't seem to work on phone for some reason, only on the PC
Didn't seem to work on my Laptop, unless I'm missing the point - Just a blank page with a search box.
Ain't nobody gone fishing ??.
No posts for a few days?
Too windy perhaps or a little bit wet ?
Or just fancied the weekend with her indoors perhaps?
I’ve been out, I post up reports on my sessions, except Saturday just gone, it was a washout, I lost an eel in the surf due to a silly decision and I wrapped it early. Not a lot to write about really! Here’s a few rod shots though. B76BE4D8-EC04-4050-822B-A566B3AA459F.jpeg26365B75-ADC5-45DE-B131-3DCBAE3EB263.jpeg

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