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North Wales If Carlsberg……

Good Hound session Kev, great pics too mate, nice one.. 🎣 🎣

Awesome session on the hounds Kev, well done mate (y)
Cheers matey…… hopefully you’ll get into a few, no reason why they shouldn’t still be around 🤞
The match was absolute pants mate 😢.

Only 6 out of 11 anglers weighed in, with just a handful of dogs, plus a few wrasse caught fishing down the side. The other 5 of us didn't get a touch for the whole 4 hours 🤦‍♂️.

Never mind though, I'll be back on the bass tomorrow night 😄.
The match was absolute pants mate 😢.

Only 6 out of 11 anglers weighed in, with just a handful of dogs, plus a few wrasse caught fishing down the side. The other 5 of us didn't get a touch for the whole 4 hours 🤦‍♂️.

Never mind though, I'll be back on the bass tomorrow night 😄.
Uch, that sounds like a tough 4hrs mate. A couple of mutual friends went last night too and not a sniff, called it a night around 11pm.
Uch, that sounds like a tough 4hrs mate. A couple of mutual friends went last night too and not a sniff, called it a night around 11pm.
I'm putting it down to the small tides, but hopefully I'll get another chance on the next set of springs 🤞.

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