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North Wales If Carlsberg……


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
…… did fishing sessions last night must have been one of them!

20 crab 🦀 between myself and a mate resulting in 11 Smoothound with at least 4 doubles.

1st cast 581C1999-E92F-4929-9E41-E97D4671F12F.png
2nd cast with a hound of 10lb 1oz146107DC-6296-43F5-8DA8-2492D5DA73AC.png
4th cast 12lb 14oz2EAF2B80-5540-4164-8265-1648ED6F47DE.png
5th cast now I believe this was a bigger fish than the one that just nudged over the 10lb mark but this one needed to be returned quickly so just a clip of her swimming off

8th cast and yet another good hound landedE52A4BF8-12F7-4C5C-A3EC-36050E20DC15.jpeg
Before finishing off the night with another hound on the 9th and last but one cast. This the smallest fish of the night 60BA8F0B-B9EE-446C-973F-D13B1BBB46F3.jpeg
My mate also managed 5 with his best on the night going 12lb 12oz and 11lb 😎

No doubt there was another fish or two out there for us but we’d run out of crab but I’d rather that than wasting good bait. What few hours 😎🎣🦈🦈🦈
…… did fishing sessions last night must have been one of them!

20 crab 🦀 between myself and a mate resulting in 11 Smoothound with at least 4 doubles.

1st cast View attachment 65502
2nd cast with a hound of 10lb 1ozView attachment 65503
4th cast 12lb 14ozView attachment 65504
5th cast now I believe this was a bigger fish than the one that just nudged over the 10lb mark but this one needed to be returned quickly so just a clip of her swimming off

8th cast and yet another good hound landedView attachment 65505
Before finishing off the night with another hound on the 9th and last but one cast. This the smallest fish of the night View attachment 65506
My mate also managed 5 with his best on the night going 12lb 12oz and 11lb 😎

No doubt there was another fish or two out there for us but we’d run out of crab but I’d rather that than wasting good bait. What few hours 😎🎣🦈🦈🦈
Cracking session Kevin 👏 Looks like some funny weather that day with all the blue clouds 😁 I'm hoping to get my first hound this 🤞
A proper dream session there Kevin! 👏👏

Never mind 11 of them, I'll settle for 1 decent hound in tomorrow night's match 😄.

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