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South Coast Ford Open Jan 19th


Active member
Nov 10, 2022
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Hi All, that time of year again when we have our Ford Open Comp, all the info you need is on the poster, cant make the fish turn up ??, but
will thank everyone that supports this, and hope to see lots of you there, tightlines.

ford open poster 2025.jpg
Evening all, sorry its late but the result for yesterdays comp is.

1st, Nick weston from Cosham.
Flounder 1lb 81/2oz. Nick also won the heaviest fish and red zone pools.

2nd, Darren cramer, Southampton.
Flounder 1lb 06oz.

3rd, Gavin Jones, Havant.
1lb 03oz and white zone winner.

72 fished plus 4 juniors so not a very good weigh in.
BUT A BIG THANK You for turning out on a cold day, our charity. Rose Road southampton should get about £1500 which they are always very grateful for.
Thank you to our sponsors, and tackle shops who generously gave prizes, and to Meon valley lions.
Evening all, sorry its late but the result for yesterdays comp is.

1st, Nick weston from Cosham.
Flounder 1lb 81/2oz. Nick also won the heaviest fish and red zone pools.

2nd, Darren cramer, Southampton.
Flounder 1lb 06oz.

3rd, Gavin Jones, Havant.
1lb 03oz and white zone winner.

72 fished plus 4 juniors so not a very good weigh in.
BUT A BIG THANK You for turning out on a cold day, our charity. Rose Road southampton should get about £1500 which they are always very grateful for.
Thank you to our sponsors, and tackle shops who generously gave prizes, and to Meon valley lions.
Anything else caught or just the 3, Nice little wad for the charity :)
Shocking return of fish caught
then again, seems to mirror the Portchester open returns nowadays
cant argue with that, seems a lot of harbours are struggling lately, but we plod on and hope for better

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