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Advice Flask cleaning

Haha, I don’t think I need one of those! Whatever it is... ???
Mini 5.5mm camera with a 5 metre long cable that uses your phone screen. Ideal for checking your drains, flasks or dungeons! ????
Mini 5.5mm camera with a 5 metre long cable that uses your phone screen. Ideal for checking your drains, flasks or dungeons! ????
Or any other orifice apparently :ROFLMAO:
Job’s a good ‘un! ???

Thanks @stan m ???

There was a couple of tiny patches that vigorous bottle brush twitching shifted, but that was it.

There is/was some coffee sludge up under the rim that I can’t reach with any brush, but did wipe a fair bit off with a cloth. I don’t think that will actually affect anything or touch the coffee as such, if there is any left.


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