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Fixed spool mainline type mono or braid ?

Yep, pretty much exactly my thoughts and usage, apart from trying it on rough ground.

On the boat it’s a godsend apart from uptiding, where it’s counterproductive.
It’s just too hard and immediate for my liking off the shore in most scenarios, I like the little bit of cushion you get from mono, plus the better abrasion resistance.

The only thing I might be tempted to try one day is the extreme heavy braid for rough ground fishing but it just feels intrinsically wrong to me, although I admit I’ve never tried it, so that part is purely just my gut feeling (which may be wrong of course!)
It's a revelation for rough ground work. It's amazing how much end tackle you get back with 60lb+ mainline and a 30lb rotten bottom
It's a revelation for rough ground work. It's amazing how much end tackle you get back with 60lb+ mainline and a 30lb rotten bottom
Yes, it seems logical, just something held me back.

perhaps I’ll just load up a chunky multi with 80lb or 100 and give it a go.
On marks where you’re only ever talking a 40-60 yard lob anyway....
lso when fishing the UK in big seas, I found braid to be a pain as it tripped the lead too easily and made landing a good fish through the undertow a precarious business!
I found a glass tiped rod is better in big seas with braid, the tip absorbs wave movement better but mono is a better option because it stretches. Playing fish on braid takes a lot of getting used to, you cant rive at fish and this is why i use a lower gear ratio reel and by just reeling in slowly puts less strain on the hook hold by not pumping and winding.
I found a glass tiped rod is better in big seas with braid, the tip absorbs wave movement better but mono is a better option because it stretches. Playing fish on braid takes a lot of getting used to, you cant rive at fish and this is why i use a lower gear ratio reel and by just reeling in slowly puts less strain on the hook hold by not pumping and winding.
I always flip reel out of anti reverse with a decent fish on in a big surf. I grew up playing trout like that and it's second nature

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