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Deep Hooked Flounders - or any flat fish.

Another Angle UK

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2020
Reaction score
Up North
Favourite Fishing
Posting here as I thought it maybe of interest to some folks. My pal Gordon has put a video on his YouTube channel explaining how he un hooks flounders that have swallowed the hook and shows the home made disgorger he uses.

Posting here as I thought it maybe of interest to some folks. My pal Gordon has put a video on his YouTube channel explaining how he un hooks flounders that have swallowed the hook and shows the home made disgorger he uses.

I've used this method a couple of times and it works great for most flatties 👍
There was a guy called Billy Bantock who had the "Fisho's" channel on Youtube. He showed this method many years ago - I think he developed it.
Sadly, Billy's channel and the videos disappeared a few years ago. I think he stopped making videos due to old age. He was a great guy and produced some excellent content. Not sure if he is even still with us.

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