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chesil, portland end


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2021
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Favourite Fishing
21.07.21 six, chesil, portland end.

fished 2200- 0700 ish , late start to avoid traffic and getting frazzled by heatwave while on beach.
baits- squid, sandeel and lugworms. (emptying the freezer continues)

rigs,- pennel pulley, up n over, two hooks flapping, 3 hooks clipped . dexters, feathers , and a bloody float. - it was getting desperate.

parked up and wandered off , further than i wanted as there were others already where i wanted to be so i ended up 80 odd yards past em. glad that the sun was dropping or the heat would have finnished me.

the sea was flat calm, with no wind to speak of but a stiff easterly breeze blew in at dawn. high tide was for somewhen around 7am i think which i thought might be good for a mackerel harvest.

very slow, pestered by the occasional bootlace eel from the off , managed a better one of about 2-3b at one point
*20210722_015246[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr

the tide rose but the fishing didn't improve. i hoped dawn might bring a change in the meantime started to puff up a couple of my reels repeatedly & i couldnt see why which was frustrateing.

in the predawn silence i culd hear fish riseing and splashing about, so set my 3rd light rod for spinning /float fishing , i don't often bring it.

tryed hard for an hour with no joy & saw that they were mullet. gave up and slept for an houd or so. on wakeing gave the bait fishing another shot missed a good pull down rattly bite which looked like amackerel but missed it. gave the feathers a whirl again but no joy so slunk off home before the sun toastd me too much
Bad luck Gordon, it’s very very patchy at the moment isn’t it?

We were pestered with straps last week
Well done...mixed tactics up and gave it the best shot...
Slow everywhere atm not just your area either ..water temps shot up in the last week or so

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