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South Coast Chesil (poor fishing)

That’s were we are heading Pete if I don’t see you in the carpark I’ll find you along the beach mate thanks a lot bud see you then
Its an acquired taste Chesil in a 3m you need to know exactly what you are doing.
If this blow actually does wind up (I have my doubts) any idea of not standing in the rain and hiding in your shed is not going to happen.
You need to be able to get a big bait 80 yards.
You also need to be super organised and fish with a mate.
You also have to be prepared to lose fish in the backwash and not try and grab them.
BUT if you can manage the above then epic fishing can be had.
No way would i ever suggest its safe for everyone especially in the dark but given the correct approach its doable and the rewards can be there.
Tut if you go do not take your dog..... the undertow will take him in unless you have amazing control.
It should flatten late morning but either way we are going to try and fish whilst its still turning.
Guy I’m going with has a lot of chisel hrs under his belt if I struggle to start I’ll just weight till it calms but do relize it’s one rod job Bert won’t be comeing he’s pretty well trained but not worth the risk fished to many calm chisel session recently with not much return lady decent sesh was in a decent chop thanks for the heads up and offer of worm Pete see you Sunday ma Bute ???

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