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South Coast Chesil (poor fishing)


Well-known member
TSF Supporter
Oct 3, 2020
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So me n gray the ray are gluttons for punishment and decided to go and focus on trying to get a ray out. Big tides meant we headed for mid Chesil.
A few dogs n pout were our reward!.
The only thing noteworthy was possibly part of an explanation as to why its fishing poorly. We have a bloom in the water which does resemble may rot and with so little heavy weather to break it up and oxygenate the water I wonder if this is one of the reasons its been so poor since the last blow.
Hopefully the forecast is correct and we get the sw winds in this week and we start to see the shingle come back to life.
Such a shame it was so poor for you guys again . Interesting about the bloom, hopefully the sw will switch on the fishing for you
I never feel its a shame to fish..... I have a few thousand hours in on Chesil and I am still learning, frankly we knew that our chances of decent fish were poor to nonexistent. We also know that we will probably find a few decent fish next weekend.
We knew that the big walk East was the best shout but decided to fish a fast tidal section......... we had lots of chances to change the outcome.
But give me n Gray some 2.5M waves and a bucket of squid and we will 100% drag a few out........ bring on a gale.
Got to be in it to win Pete apparently the comp down cogden was pucker slow on sat as well this wind this will hopefully kick things off mate ?
Got to be in it to win Pete apparently the comp down cogden was pucker slow on sat as well this wind this will hopefully kick things off mate ?
Watching 3 forecasts that are all different, to me one looks like no cod one looks like one cod and one looks like five cod...... we need 2.8M or more for more than four hours....... then its going to be really good. We caught all manner of cod food Saturday, loads of hermits, small crabs and urchins just need them all smashed up and its going to go ballistic...... could be the best single days fishing on the big beach for a couple of years in fact.
SLO comp was hard on sat night down cogden. Winning bags were 3 or 4 dogs, few gars, then pout gurnard and a few sole. I won my zone with only 3 dogs, 2 gars and 4 pout... Nothing of note pulled out by 69 anglers... still plenty of small mackerel about.
SLO comp was hard on sat night down cogden. Winning bags were 3 or 4 dogs, few gars, then pout gurnard and a few sole. I won my zone with only 3 dogs, 2 gars and 4 pout... Nothing of note pulled out by 69 anglers... still plenty of small mackerel about.
We were a couple of miles east of you...... the maks were there in massive numbers. One blow and its going to explode down there...... thanks for letting me know I am not a complete useless fecker though!. The big bags came out at the black hut and in that area. PM me if you dont know where that is and you want to know.
Keep at it, it's a big beach if the fish are only at one end!!
ordered up me fresh blacks for Sunday fingers crossed it plays ball now mate ???
That bloody weather system is dying on its was here its looking like its not gonna do much, we have lost about a metre of sea.
Never known a year when we have not had a big blow for six weeks in the Autumn.
Could be mega walk time....... because of the small tides.
Yeah we as ain’t getting are worm we ordered ?not sure weather to go bc now if I can get worm may take a long walk as well ??‍♀️
Pm if you like Pete but wot time and where we have same plan bud ???
There's some bad weather coming in here, don't know how it will be at CHESIL? Be carefull lads!

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