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South Coast Chesil a blowing

Fishing hard and continually tinkering over many years locally I'd bet my house on catching more and better codling on worm and very few indeed on squid from these marks. Doggies and thornbacks - that would be a very different story! As stated I think it's a local thing. Cocktail baits can and do work on occasions but obviously these results muddy the comparison with single bait types. Not far away in the Mersey it's a different story, but still worm on its own is very effective, as it is in the Solway.

Do you get a lot of squid in the BC? Is that maybe why it fishes well, because it's a prevalent food source for the cod? You certainly seem to get a better stamp of codling and some proper cod down your way. Please send some north🙏😄

It's all interesting stuff👍
No squid at all 😆

Cod are normally full of small crab, shrimp, fish....or mix of those.

Obviously chesil is full of squid at times.

Peeler can do well, but i rarely use it, as supply is an issue unfortunately.

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