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The biggest cause of wind knots is line twist, I always lay it all out on a field, then walk along with finger and thumb and feel all the twist releasing, then wind it back on as tight as I can within reason leaving the end free. Wind knots no more, never.(y)
We used to do the same if we had been spinning with nylon but slightly differently. We would let the nylon off the spool on the walk back to the car through a field and drag it behind us as we walked. Same result different method to removing line twist.
I too used to do that at times with mono when freshwater fishing, but with braid prefer to feel the twist out if that makes sense to you.
We used to do the same if we had been spinning with nylon but slightly differently. We would let the nylon off the spool on the walk back to the car through a field and drag it behind us as we walked. Same result different method to removing line twist.
Reading your message bought back a long forgotten memory about once when I was walking across a field from one swim to another. I had broken the rig down and reeled the line back onto the reel but didn't realise that I hadn't secured the end and as I was walking along with the rod pointing back behind me the line end snagged on a thistle. As it wasn't behind the bail arm it just began to peel off the spool into the field behind me.

It wasn't much of a problem until a cow tangled some of the line around one hoof and decided to take off across the field at speed, in the opposite direction that I was going!

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