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Blue Skate (aka Common Skate) in the Solent

I am with you ....... no problem.
A lot of bass sold as "line caught" in supermarkets / fishmongers and are undersized but legal as they are farmed bass flown in from the med (bream as well). Unlikely to get much to eat off them!
Our Inshore Fisheries love to target Anglers to check on bass size & number limit ( I was boarded twice last year & seen them on quaysides checking anglers' bags for fish as they get off the charter boat) but do nothing about illegal netting in bass conservancy areas as it's done at night when they are not working.
Am all for strict policing of fisheries like they do in Canada & USA.
Needs some police involvement but probably don’t have incentive or resources unless tasked from above to make examples and have “better” things to do. On top of that informers needed to supply information to make it worth while and folks generally unless having a grudge not going to rock the boat.🤷🏽‍♂️
When I was boarded in a bass conservancy area, early afternoon, fishing for Gilt Head bream with rag worm- fisheries guy (had one other with him) was disbelieving and searched the boat. He asked me why I had a lure rod made up inside the boat if I was not fishing for bass & I explained that it was for when the flood was half way through outside the conservation area which I have marked up on my navionics & I showed him where I was going plus the tracks from the previous day. I was very pleasant all the time.

I told him I supported what they were doing & had no problem with him checking things out. I asked why target anglers during the middle of the day when at 4am that morning there was someone bringing in his nets at entrance of one of the channels in a 16ft open boat and I saw he was taking bass & mullet. He indirectly admitted that it was outside his working hours and something about not being licenced to use boat at night.

Chatting to one of the harbour master team, he said that the fisheries were hoping to use drones to spot / film outside work hours. I pointed out that drones are unlikely to get good pictures in the dark when they put the nets out. Drew a wry smile.
My local IFCA only seem to work office hours and are very reluctant to leave their vehicle unless it's to check anglers fishing statically on the promenade. You couldn't make it up
Clearly a multi nation problem within UK! This malaise within most of our funded public services is why so many things are just not working and not serving the ordinary people who pay for them.

Off subject I know but it is our fish stocks that they are responsible for !
Out today with some locals on the Charter Fishing boat not far from the Nab Tower in the Solent off Isle of Wight. Flat calm & no fog.
Loads of whiting ( not great size), dogs, Congers , Blonde Ray & a first for me - a juvenile Blue Skate aka a Common Skate. These are very rare around these parts & first I have known caught for over 60 years. This one was only 9lbs & they grow to 200lb living 50 -100 yrs.

Went back safe & sound after some pictures. A great end to the year.

Happy New year everyone
I think there's more about than people realise, I have a video of a mate of mine hooked into a slow moving fish.
It took a whole squid.
He was using a t900 and .4 line.
He had it on for 22 mins.
It was not an eel.
I know three anglers that have had similar experiences all in October.
I reckon it's skate.

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