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Thanks for being so instantly dismissive of my fairly comprehensive answer to your simplistic question!So the answer is a resounding no so far!Whilst I appreciate there's very little truly new in this world I very much doubt you were 'pirking' with a noodle rod, 20lb braid and specifically engineered UV reflective jigs with assist hooks back in the day Stevie......or were you??? I know it's akin to the older techniques of the lead filled chrome tube but it's also quite different....
I'm looking for direct advice from those who actually have had UK success with the modern gear please, particularly with regards to lure selection, hook type etc?
Sorry if you found my answer unhelpful or lacking in detail. PHOh deary meI'm still waiting for the questions I've asked to be answered by someone who has had results in UK waters with SLOW PITCH JIGGING. I've been fishing for 46 years but there's always something to learn. Perhaps you know it all?
Perhaps you should have worded your question better. I now think you are looking for advice on the latest slow jigging specific rods, reels, lures etc.UK users of slow pitch ? I've used speed and slow jig techniques overseas but am wondering if any on here can share experiences on these tactics in UK waters for the likes of cod bass and pollack?
Edited because of typos
Stevie I did use the words 'slow pitch jigging' in my original post and title. I appreciate you taking the time to post mate so please don't get me wrong. If you've read the above article and watched the YT footage hopefully you'll agree that SPJ is a technique and set of tackles on its own. I've used it to catch grouper, snapper, amberjack and yellowtail kingfish abroad and it makes welcome change from the frantic speed jigging of knife and butterfly lures! I guess I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and buy a selection of SPJs and give it a try on existing rods (fs spin) before buying/building yet more rods and reels! I'm particularly thinking that it could well bag a few extra fish over the wrecks and a particular a reef I have in mind at slack water. Time will tell! I'll give the bloke at Jigabite a ring and seek his advice on a suitable range of lures to get me started.
PS is that pic of you and your boat on Lomond by any chance?
Seems to have a lot in common with what I do! PHThere's an article on slow pitch jigging here. The author of the article has had huge success with slow pitch jigging for bass off the south coast as well as in warmer climes. All of the fish you mention will take a slow pitch jig, as will wrasse, gurnard, whiting & pout.
Bottom line though is that you have to find the fish first. No amount of jigging over empty ground will catch you a fish.
Proper fishing!!!!When i was a kid holidaying in I O Man we used to go out on boat with a bloke (Mr Harper i think) from Castletown who caught mackerel cod etc and had pots.
On thing he used for catching cod, he called it a "murderer" as i remember it was shiney and looked like a load of gaffs on the end of his line and he would jig it up and down, it would lip hook and foul hook fish.