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No way hosay! I’d be murdered
You and me both! I’m working Christmas Eve this year, in previous years I’ve got a night or two on my carp syndicate around the 21-23rd and it usually produced the goods, but this year I haven’t had the urge to carp fishing, don’t know why, just lost the buzz.
Only ever managed that 1yr. 2005 went to Markle trout fishery in East Lothian on Christmas eve and New year's eve. Christmas eve, rainbow of 12lb 4oz, New year's eve a rainbow of 10lb 2oz and a Brownie of 4lb
In the past I've been on Chesil on Christmas Day quite a few times it's surprising how many are escaping the family for a few hours.
Went Christmas day and boxing day last year had some goodfishing enjoying piece and quiet!
Christmas day we have been invited to Step-Sons - he's offered to pick us up & drop us home so it's pretty certain I shall not be fit to drive anywhere! Wifey having decided that we were going out for Christmas day, I thought I'd escaped my usual Christmas Eve chore of prepping all of the Veg, but oh no, WIfey has said "we will do all the Veg"! We = me ??. I've also been told I have to procure & cook a joint of Beef, and make a few tarts and things for the Veggie contingent too, so no chance of a Christmas Eve escape either.
Christmas day we have been invited to Step-Sons - he's offered to pick us up & drop us home so it's pretty certain I shall not be fit to drive anywhere! Wifey having decided that we were going out for Christmas day, I thought I'd escaped my usual Christmas Eve chore of prepping all of the Veg, but oh no, WIfey has said "we will do all the Veg"! We = me ??. I've also been told I have to procure & cook a joint of Beef, and make a few tarts and things for the Veggie contingent too, so no chance of a Christmas Eve escape either.
I think your in the same boat as me, you wear the Trousers in your house, when the Mrs is out. :ROFLMAO:

I think your in the same boat as me, you wear the Trousers in your house, when the Mrs is out. :ROFLMAO:

Haha! I do wear the trousers when the going gets tough, but the rest of the time I muck in, try to be part of the team, and keep the peace!
I think your in the same boat as me, you wear the Trousers in your house, when the Mrs is out. :ROFLMAO:

Second day of our honeymoon I handed my wife my trousers and told her to try them on. She said "Your trousers are far too big for me" and I said " As long as you remember that we'll get on fine!"

She said try my knickers on and I said " I can't get into those" She said "no and you never will if you don't change your fucking attitude!!"
Boxing day morning is traditional for a walk across the river with a bit of piking stuff. If the ground is a bit frosty and your breath is freezing too then that's a bonus!

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