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2 more additional to the collection

They breed Mike put them in a dark cupboard..... There's three more in my box you will love them worth every penny.
I had a go with my mates a few weeks ago and thought to myself why not lol ‘ very smooth and seems a better retrieve than the mags and feel a good solid reel , they having a proper work out tomorrow night matched to the tornement match pros
I had a go with my mates a few weeks ago and thought to myself why not lol ‘ very smooth and seems a better retrieve than the mags and feel a good solid reel , they having a proper work out tomorrow night matched to the tornement match pros
All I will say mike is enjoy them they are the nuts.
Over the years I have learned to have the drag set with enough resistance to bring your gear back.
Mine have lasted many years.... try and keep jerky loads off the spool if you can I have done two in simply by locking the drag and having a tonne of weed on, other than that they are bomb proof.... love em!
I had a go with my mates a few weeks ago and thought to myself why not lol ‘ very smooth and seems a better retrieve than the mags and feel a good solid reel , they having a proper work out tomorrow night matched to the tornement match pros
Thought you were on the M4GT's.
They crap compared to the tournament match pros , selling it cheap if you want it comes with a reducer
I wasn't impressed when when I compared them to my T900's but then I wasn't impressed with the gbfs pro either. Heard mixed reviews on the zulcrons as well but yet to try one.
I wasn't impressed when when I compared them to my T900's but then I wasn't impressed with the gbfs pro either. Heard mixed reviews on the zulcrons as well but yet to try one.
Everyone has driffent likes and dislikes I have a tremendous dislike for glass tipped zipplex rods

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