Are you on a swinging mooring or a berth. If the former a couple of suggestions (forgive me if you know these tips).
Fix a length of rope from an anchor point e.g bow cleat. Feed the rope through the bow where the mooring line comes through & feed it back on the outside to where you pick...
Much coming off Yarmouth Pier ?
Used to fish it when I was a nipper.
Caught the ferry a few times!
I was born in Chale (house now in the sea!). Sister lives on island.
I reckon so and i think they are almost there round UK waters as they are charted more often than most due to the amount of shipping around us.
My commercial buddies (all small fishing boats) have had the best year in memory with good catches and very very good prices. A lot have had to change...
I use the shading & you can pick up the shape of the wrecks & rock outcrops etc. The former are often not where marked on map.
Useful for precise locating.
I have it on my Ipad & its also a navigation back up to main system.
Not all areas are as well covered I hear but mine (the Solent) is...
Some last safety tips & apologies if you had these already :
The rule in my club and boats I skipper are:
1. If you are uptiding you must forewarn the rest of the crew that you are about to cast. Make sure all have heard!
2. Check there is no rigging above you for when you cast
3. I always...
Uptide can out fish downtide. I often fish both methods at same time. I even do it with a spinning rod. Rod will need to be about 10ft but you can actually do with a normal boat rod. The rod length is to help cast & also keep the line which may be out sideways above breaking waves etc. The key...
Had 3 flounders in the last 10 years. Too many seals in both harbours which are fish nurseries. Used to be 13-15 a few years ago & then they introduced another 20 and now there over 80 eating all the small bass etc.
Last Saturday was due to go out in my boat (Orkney PH20) to have a bass bash in the Solent. Unfortunately mu chum could not make it at last minute & so lost time.
Decided to fish Chi Harbour on my own so grabbed some rag & set off to one of my spots. Expecting only some small bass as other...
Assume it was either Ian or Becks who took you out. Know their stuff & will always try hard for you.
Looks like you visited the Overfalls for the bass.
We have had 2 x juvenile Thresher Sharks brought to side of the boat - only a 2-3 miles off Selsey. never seen them in this close.
Much similar activity elsewhere?
Apart from a 20lb Smoothound - the fishing has been pants with hardly any mackerel around for fresh bait. Bream fishing has been...
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