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I said that! ???I also recommend berkley whiplash
I know ???I said that! ???
Could well be the reel or the way you ha\/e loaded the line that is your problem not the chinese braid. If the line is properly loaded on a suitable reel you should ha\/e no problems, if either is wrong getting the best braid in the world will make no difference. Is it a bait or lure fishing set up ?tried Chinese braid and it looks like i a master at knot tying with itso i think i am looking for something better 20 lb braid , what's a ok braid ?or do i try mono
Yes your absolutely correct, looks as though it has been fed onto the spool using the drill method, I can’t see how a fixed spool reel would do that.I think the line lay on your reel is likely to be causing you the issue and is likely to do it with whatever braid is loaded on it.