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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2020
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Hi folks,

Been busy decorating, rollering and brushing like a mad thing in order to finish up and keep Sunday free for some line wetting. Seems I am on track, that's until Wifey says " Col, you going fishing tomorrow?"
I see have two missed calls from Baz, so that's got to mean Yes.
"yes my beloved".
" But I need the car for shopping later that afternoon".
" No probs babe, I'm going on the scooter anyway".
She continues " that's what I'm worried about".
" Umm why?"
"All those idiot holiday drivers on the road, and you've hardly any bones left unbroken, I worry...you were born unlucky".
This isn't exactly true, although I am no stranger to hospitals and to plaster of Paris, and was born on the 13th. "Relax, I'm still here aren't I? and besides, I'm really cautious when out on the scoot, especially this time of year."
She adds "it's not you, it's the other dicks".
(It's me).
I'll be fine, trust me".

~~~~~~~ silence ~~~~~~~~

"Please be extra careful, they are nutters on our little roads".
She is bang on the money though, I dare say we all have experienced some peculiar "seasonal" driving, like the person in front of me when on my scoot, who stopped at a pedestrian traffic light...the green light, waited and then drove forward on the red... "Oy mate!" Shouts somebody.
l look behind to see a taxi driver leaning out of his window.
"Did I just see that right??? stopped on green and gone on the red??"
l nodded sagely, for these are the trials and tribulations of driving in peak holiday season...another daft begger heading for oblivion. As for a more light hearted incident, I'm on the scoot again and the car in front contains a dog going mental in the back, as if he's had a quid of tobacco shoved up his ∆rse.
a little further on and this car halts at a junction, I pull up behind him and the mutt is going ballistic in the back. Drivers door opens and the driver is out and walking quickly towards me...quick glance on my mirror...nobody else about, it's me he wants. Trouble???
I close my visor and ball my fists ready for any argy bargy... but it's okay, this bloke is smiling.
he says in a Brummie brogue:- "Sorry mate, but would you mind overtaking me?!! my dog doesn't like motorbikes for some reason and he's doing my head in, he always does this".
Ha ha, you get all sorts, like the one that embedded their car into that little garage near Mevagissy couple of weeks ago.
Phone's buzzing again, it's good buddy Baz.
"Hi mate, fancy a repeat of last Sunday?"
"You bet Baz, ok I'll meet you down there same as before on my scooter a bit later on as Wifey needs the battlewagon, are you taking your coat this time Michael Fish?"
"Yeah, there's going to be brisk NW wind. (You see how he neatly sidestepped my sarcasm concerning his previous wet coatless sesh?).
"Okay mate, soon as I finish up the painting I'll be off. Will you keep an eye out for Cfish down there, see if he's up for it too?"
" Sea fish?"
" I mean Tommo".
" Yeah, no worries".
Sunday, I pack lightly, lure rod, tiny tackle box, rolled up coat and bottle of water, plus Hessian bag to keep the catch wetted and cool. Hark at me! cocky $od I am...
40 minutes later I'm at the harbour locking up the scooter. wasn't at all bad for traffic apart from the usual scrum at St. Awful.
Harbour and street are chokka with holidaymakers. Pick up my rod and gear then...
"Alright mate? How's the fishing here?" I look around to see a couple of chaps. He goes on...
" We're down for a week and thought we'd give it a go".
So I answer...
" Right here on the harbour wall is fair game for Macks and Pollack mate, but watch out for the Congers evening time".
His little eyes lit up with expectation.
" Thanks for that, I'll go and tell the others, might see you back here in a minute".
He wont , because I'm hot footing it up to the coast path and over the hill double quick!
Isn't it funny how protective you get about your more productive marks? Baz and I always got frustrated chatting to others in tackle shops when they boasted about their catches, but would never give away the location, we'd cuss them after leaving. I've just done the same keeping mine secret. What a hypocritical toady I've become.
Oh well I'll get over it, all's fair in love and fishing.
I've now reached the top of the hill and can just make out the tiny speck that is Baz out on the point 20 minutes away, it's a decent tide with sunshine, but I hope the breeze isn't as fierce down there as it is up top, soon find out.
Water is pretty lively, so Baz doesn't hear me clamber down.
"Any luck Barry?"
" Just had a good Mack, but he dropped off the hook by my feet and fell back in, I spoke to Tommo."
"is he coming?"
" No, there's been a fair on in the village, and he's been drinking all day, said he doesn't trust himself".
"Fair play to him, just me and you then." That must be why there were so many people in the harbour. I'd feel a bit sorry for them missing out if Cfish got to the beers first.
Spinning now with one of my tin - nickel coated 35g home made crackers, one hour in and no takers, same for Baz. Time to up the ante to and try a different lure, no need because I get a good knock close in... we're off and running....or so I thought, the skillful Macky shook himself free as I lifted him up. I used to bring a landing net, but trying to get the treble out of it was a nightmare and only distressed the poor fish further. Baz keeps getting nibbles on his float, but the wind keeps steering it around the corner into the kelpy rocks to our side, so has to keep recasting exactly where the wind is blowing my lure when I cast. It's good that we've fished long enough together to perfect our cast choreography, and never cross lines in the wind. So we've both dropped a fish now ? perhaps I can make this one stick...yes I'm in! steering him past the kelp close in, and it's first Mack in the bag. Yay! Tide is well up now so it's easy to reach down and wet the hessian bag.
Baz is getting out his lure rod too, but not before Mack II is on my hook. I am so eager to get back in before Baz casts steals my fertile patch that I rush the dispatch and get a neck and face splash of fish blood eeek!
Baz is laughing at me.
" Nice fish there... spotty".
"Yeah, think I know what getting a pearl necklace feels like!"
'Col, what are you on about?"
"Never mind".
Baz has obviously had a more sheltered upbringing than me.
I was right to get back in fast, because I've clobbered Mack III.
Meanwhile Baz has snagged the reef.
"Did you get it back?"
"Nah, I'm going back to float."
sea and wind have calmed down now, unfortunately so have the bites. Gannets are diving in the distance, so the game is still on. Then a big bull seal appears...game over. Bully sticks around for a while then disappears...along with the fish I fear.
After a bit I get a tug very close in, he must have been following it, but then he's off. I wonder??? I gamble and lightly plop the lure a little further out from where he first struck and "Bingo" I got him back, and in the bag.
Baz: "You jammy git".
Same thing happens 20 minutes later, off and back on again by casting roughly where the strike was. "Nothing jammy about that one mate".
Baz isn't listening, he's found a fish of his own, swiftly followed by a 2nd Mack.
Doesn't look like the Pollack are coming out to play, but who cares? my bag is filling up and the wet Hessian is doing it's job keeping them cool.( Little YouTube tip from Cornish Kayak Geezer). Plus I'm beating Baz hands down now, which is why he dumps float for lure again...and gets himself snagged up first cast on the same reef as before. He's a float fisher really, which I like also, but don't have the patience for long stints, yet he gets bored spinning. Tide has been drawing away for some time now, and I need to get ten juicy Macks home and prepped. I enjoy whizzing around on my scooter, but the headlight is quite honestly pants. Better get cracking before darkness falls.
catchyall later.
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Hi folks,

Been busy decorating, rollering and brushing like a mad thing in order to finish up and keep Sunday free for some line wetting. Seems I am on track, that's until Wifey says " Col, you going fishing tomorrow?"
I see have two missed calls from Baz, so that's got to mean Yes.
"yes my beloved".
" But I need the car for shopping later that afternoon".
" No probs babe, I'm going on the scooter anyway".
She continues " that's what I'm worried about".
" Umm why?"
"All those idiot holiday drivers on the road, and you've hardly any bones left unbroken, I worry...you were born unlucky".
This isn't exactly true, although I am no stranger to hospitals and to plaster of Paris, and was born on the 13th. "Relax, I'm still here aren't I? and besides, I'm really cautious when out on the scoot, especially this time of year."
She adds "it's not you, it's the other dicks".
(It's me).
I'll be fine, trust me".

~~~~~~~ silence ~~~~~~~~

"Please be extra careful, they are nutters on our little roads".
She is bang on the money though, I dare say we all have experienced some peculiar "seasonal" driving, like the person in front of me when on my scoot, who stopped at a pedestrian traffic light...the green light, waited and then drove forward on the red... "Oy mate!" Shouts somebody.
l look behind to see a taxi driver leaning out of his window.
"Did I just see that right??? stopped on green and gone on the red??"
l nodded sagely, for these are the trials and tribulations of driving in peak holiday season...another daft begger heading for oblivion. As for a more light hearted incident, I'm on the scoot again and the car in front contains a dog going mental in the back, as if he's had a quid of tobacco shoved up his ∆rse.
a little further on and this car halts at a junction, I pull up behind him and the mutt is going ballistic in the back. Drivers door opens and the driver is out and walking quickly towards me...quick glance on my mirror...nobody else about, it's me he wants. Trouble???
I close my visor and ball my fists ready for any argy bargy... but it's okay, this bloke is smiling.
he says in a Brummie brogue:- "Sorry mate, but would you mind overtaking me?!! my dog doesn't like motorbikes for some reason and he's doing my head in, he always does this".
Ha ha, you get all sorts, like the one that embedded their car into that little garage near Mevagissy couple of weeks ago.
Phone's buzzing again, it's good buddy Baz.
"Hi mate, fancy a repeat of last Sunday?"
"You bet Baz, ok I'll meet you down there same as before on my scooter a bit later on as Wifey needs the battlewagon, are you taking your coat this time Michael Fish?"
"Yeah, there's going to be brisk NW wind. (You see how he neatly sidestepped my sarcasm concerning his previous wet coatless sesh?).
"Okay mate, soon as I finish up the painting I'll be off. Will you keep an eye out for Cfish down there, see if he's up for it too?"
" Sea fish?"
" I mean Tommo".
" Yeah, no worries".
Sunday, I pack lightly, lure rod, tiny tackle box, rolled up coat and bottle of water, plus Hessian bag to keep the catch wetted and cool. Hark at me! cocky $od I am...
40 minutes later I'm at the harbour locking up the scooter. wasn't at all bad for traffic apart from the usual scrum at St. Awful.
Harbour and street are chokka with holidaymakers. Pick up my rod and gear then...
"Alright mate? How's the fishing here?" I look around to see a couple of chaps. He goes on...
" We're down for a week and thought we'd give it a go".
So I answer...
" Right here on the harbour wall is fair game for Macks and Pollack mate, but watch out for the Congers evening time".
His little eyes lit up with expectation.
" Thanks for that, I'll go and tell the others, might see you back here in a minute".
He wont , because I'm hot footing it up to the coast path and over the hill double quick!
Isn't it funny how protective you get about your more productive marks? Baz and I always got frustrated chatting to others in tackle shops when they boasted about their catches, but would never give away the location, we'd cuss them after leaving. I've just done the same keeping mine secret. What a hypocritical toady I've become.
Oh well I'll get over it, all's fair in love and fishing.
I've now reached the top of the hill and can just make out the tiny speck that is Baz out on the point 20 minutes away, it's a decent tide with sunshine, but I hope the breeze isn't as fierce down there as it is up top, soon find out.
Water is pretty lively, so Baz doesn't hear me clamber down.
"Any luck Barry?"
" Just had a good Mack, but he dropped off the hook by my feet and fell back in, I spoke to Tommo."
"is he coming?"
" No, there's been a fair on in the village, and he's been drinking all day, said he doesn't trust himself".
"Fair play to him, just me and you then." That must be why there were so many people in the harbour. I'd feel a bit sorry for them missing out if Cfish got to the beers first.
Spinning now with one of my tin - nickel coated 35g home made crackers, one hour in and no takers, same for Baz. Time to up the ante to and try a different lure, then I get a good knock close in... we're off and running....or so I thought, the skillful Macky shook himself free as I lifted him up. I used to bring a landing net, but trying to get the treble out of it was a nightmare and only distressed the poor fish further. Baz keeps getting nibbles on his float, but the wind keeps steering it around the corner into the kelpy rocks to our side, so has to keep recasting exactly where the wind is blowing my lure when I cast. It's good that we've fished long enough together to perfect our cast choreography, and never cross lines in the wind. So we've both dropped a fish now ? perhaps I can make this one stick...yes I'm in! steering him past the kelp close in, and it's first Mack in the bag. Yay! Tide is well up now so it's easy to reach down and wet the hessian bag.
Baz is getting out his lure rod too, but not before Mack II is on my hook. I am so eager to get back in before Baz casts steals my fertile patch that I rush the dispatch and get a neck and face splash of fish blood eeek!
Baz is laughing at me.
" Nice fish there... spotty".
"Yeah, think I know what getting a pearl necklace feels like!"
'Col, what are you on about?"
"Never mind".
Baz has obviously had a more sheltered upbringing than me.
I was right to get back in fast, because I've clobbered Mack III.
Meanwhile Baz has snagged the reef.
"Did you get it back?"
"Nah, I'm going back to float."
sea and wind have calmed down now, unfortunately so have the bites. Gannets are diving in the distance, so the game is still on. Then a big bull seal appears...game over. Bully sticks around for a while then disappears...along with the fish I fear.
After a bit I get a tug very close in, he must have been following it, but then he's off. I wonder??? I gamble and lightly plop the lure a little further out from where he first struck and "Bingo" I got him back, and in the bag.
Baz: "You jammy git".
Same thing happens 20 minutes later, off and back on again by casting roughly where the strike was. "Nothing jammy about that one mate".
Baz isn't listening, he's found a fish of his own, swiftly followed by a 2nd Mack.
Doesn't look like the Pollack are coming out to play, but who cares? my bag is filling up and the wet Hessian is doing it's job keeping them cool.( Little YouTube tip from Cornish Kayak Geezer). Plus I'm beating Baz hands down now, which is why he dumps float for lure again...and gets himself snagged up first cast on the same reef as before. He's a float fisher really, which I like also, but don't have the patience for long stints, yet he gets bored spinning. Tide has been drawing away for some time now, and I need to get ten juicy Macks home and prepped. I enjoy whizzing around on my scooter, but the headlight is quite honestly pants. Better get cracking before darkness falls.
catchyall later.
TR.View attachment 12304
View attachment 12305
Change headlight on scooter to LED plus can get secondary lights for them.
Dark nights put the jeepers up the Locals they'll think the messiahs coming with the bright lights.
Change headlight on scooter to LED plus can get secondary lights for them.
Dark nights put the jeepers up the Locals they'll think the messiahs coming with the bright lights.
Thanks, reckon I could get an led conversation for this configuration?
mob backup 187.jpg
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Thanks, reckon I could get an led conversation for this configuration?
View attachment 12308
Hi yeah what bulb fittings are they? are they low and high or both high/low? you can rewire to have both high/low like they do with Fazers which have an annoying gap between high/low when switching

Thanks, Tournamag for all the headlight info. You're a star.
PS: joined the scooter shack forum you suggested. Now I can tell some tall tales and utter rubbish about my escapades on two wheels!
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Another fantastic Tow-Rag catch report - good photos too! Jealous of the Mackerel!
Always love reading your reports, but there's not enough of them - you need to get out more! ????

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