Thanks for the reply and the videos. working my way thought them all, but she very sound advice.
Had a look into insurances and even hiring harbour spots locally and worked those into estimated running costs and surprised that they are quite a bit cheaper than I thought tbh.
The boat i'm looking at is a RYDS 480S - GRP so not as nice as wood but not as time consuming to take care of.
The bloke selling it I sell firewood to and rent yard space of his mate who he works part time for so we are on good terms and its very much can't fall out with locals vibe where I live.
The motor on it is maybe a little underpowered for the boat - a 25hp 4stroke Yamaha. but I don't intend on wakeboarding or doing tourist safaris with it and though its far from new it looks immaculate under the cover and Hes offered to walk me through the service of the motor etc first time round and hes talked me through parts costs etc and all seems reasonable (though not free) and hes pointed a couple of things what I can expect to have to changed in a few years etc.
Hes done all the regular maintenance, recently bottom painted, new battery, motor serviced, clean oil and cam belt recently changed. Stuck new tiers on the trailer and its recently inspected road worthy after new bearings.
Hes saying with in reason there should be nothing that will need fixing or changing straight away in terms of having it ready for fishing trips but might want to upgrade a few things but from what I gather that's pretty standard.
The boat is with in my budget but towards the higher end but still leave me about 1k euros for immediate things. its is as far as I know pretty much ready to go and I get the offer of help with service and maintenance until I get the hang of it so an excellent learning opportunity.
I think I've all but convinced myself into buying it