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North Wales Tope off the Island


Jan 13, 2020
Reaction score
Had a weekend up on the island a few weeks ago, generally the fishing was pretty poor, you know its bad when a wrapped sandeel comes back in as it went out and not being touched by dogs!

Did manage to catch my target Tope just shy of 40lb and then lost a much bigger fish the next cast, there seems to be plenty about this year.

download (1).png
Thanks for posting up the report (y)

Shame about the general fishing. At least you managed to get yourself in on the tope action though. There does seem to be plenty around this year, long may that continue!
Thanks for posting up the report (y)

Shame about the general fishing. At least you managed to get yourself in on the tope action though. There does seem to be plenty around this year, long may that continue!
Yeah was strange up there that weekend, not like Anglesey at all, biggest struggle was getting fresh bait for the Tope rigs, week before the mac were throwing themselves up the beach!
That tope from the shore? It’s a cracker if it is! Not too bad a fish from a boat either!
When are you out next Stu? I'm fishing the Straits on Tuesday, from a boat though. A little species hunt. Looking forward to getting out, haven't been out on the boat since June with work etc.
When are you out next Stu? I'm fishing the Straits on Tuesday, from a boat though. A little species hunt. Looking forward to getting out, haven't been out on the boat since June with work etc.
Thats the problem, work always gets in the way! Reckon my next trip will be in a couple of weeks time, will have a look at the tide sizes and weather closer to the time to see what to target but if all the planets align I will probably hit the west coast rock marks or if i'm feeling energetic maybe the Lleyn?
Cracking Tope from the shore....... very well done, going to have to add this to my to do list!
Lovely fish. It seems to have been a good year for them on both the Llyn and the Island or maybe just more people are fishing for them. Must be nice with no dogs about