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Advice Rig bits?

Short grab and go sessions are what I'm used to so I've got a few spare rigs in a pocket and enough leads in screw topped plastic jar cable tied to the vee leg of my tripod. The only spare bits I carry are a daisy chain of 4/5 leadlinks on my coat zip puller incase snap off a shockleader(v rare these days). I certainly don't mess around trying to make up new rigs on the beach in the dark
I always take some spare hooks of different sizes, beads, swivels and a spare reel + leads and some leader on a spool. Also a filleting knife and a s/s thermos, tend to leave the kitchen sink at home though ;)
I try to make up my rigs at home once I know the target species and the mark, but always carry a small box of bits with hooks, links, swivels etc. just in case I lose something.
If I'm going to the clean spots locally for couple hours which I mostly do , then I just bring a pack of hooks, spool of amnesia and a spare weight swivel and bead in a small tub lol hardly ever lose tackle to be honest. Mostly fish out of a rucksack. Running and pulley rigs simple stuff mainly.
I understand some places you lose a lot of tackle though. Been there lol ...mainly I go without clutter and cooking stuff etc too ,just a bucket and rucksack can walk for much longer like that aswell easily.
Yes, got a small compartment box that has all my basic rig components ie beads, swivels, links, fast links, bait clips.

The hooks go in another box, usually a takeaway container, then carry a spool of shock/rig body 70lb line and the relevant Amnesia trace lines I’ll need for the day.
It all packs in a rucksack (or seatbox) and not as if it weighs loads.

Unless in a real rush, I’ve got fresh made rigs in my rig wallet but I don’t make silly amounts, just 4-6 for a trip.

If I start getting short, I’ll make up a couple more while fishing, or recon older ones.

Over the years I’ve decided what I need and only take what I can comfortably carry as far as I need to carry it.

Tried the minimalist approach ie a bucket and a few bits but tbh I find it a damn sight easier to carry a rucksack or box than a bucket swinging around.
Plus if say on a sandy beach, I can keep the gear separate and clean, especially things like scales or my phone tripod, rather than all jumbled in a bucket and having to constantly burrow around and unpack to find stuff.
Personally I spend the early winter evenings in front of the log burner tying rigs so I always have plenty.
On a winter fishing session my hands are generally so cold and numb there is no way I could start tying or altering rigs on the beach.
I always have spare spools but do take some spare shock leaders in case I snap off and have used my spare spools.
I'm similar to alot of others if fishing most places away from home. I'll take a rig wallet usually full (plus packs of hooks in the pockets), a spool of shock leader that's also used for rig bodies and a tiny box with swivels/beads/clips in it.
If I'm fishing a Suffolk beach where tackle loss is very unlikely, my whole days worth of gear fits in a small Tupperware tub, usually a few leads, spool of mono or fluro, 2 packs of hooks and the tiny rig bits box.

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