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Pond Fishing


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2020
Reaction score
West Sussex
Favourite Fishing
My mate I usually go fly fishing for trout with has gone crap (carp) fishing for 3 days/nights. I think drinking all that cider drinking has gone to his head.?
Never go crap fishing, will watch others doing but never appealed to me.

Not been fly fishing for about 8 years now.
Used to go free on Companies reservoirs (just help keeper out sometimes) and only paid for any fish you kept. Was there at least twice a week.
Never go crap fishing, will watch others doing but never appealed to me.

Not been fly fishing for about 8 years now.
Used to go free on Companies reservoirs (just help keeper out sometimes) and only paid for any fish you kept. Was there at least twice a week.
Carp fishing is like watching paint dry imo. The trouble is reservoirs down our way -Bewl & Hanningfield etc are now any method, so I don't bother nowadays; just go to private trout lakes where fly fishing only and tidal rivers for mullet during spring through to autumn + sea trout nightimes.
I fly fish for carp on small farm ponds occasionally and it's great sport. Reservoir tackle is fine for it. Beats catching flounders, whiting etc on beachcasters hands down for excitement
Thing is most "ponds" that are known to have fish, you have a massive % of chance to catch a fish, where as fishing in the sea has no guarantee there are any fish within your casting distance.

I do not knock people that fish ponds as its there choice but i would not do it, and as i said i could sit and watch others doing it and i enjoy that.
Thing is most "ponds" that are known to have fish, you have a massive % of chance to catch a fish, where as fishing in the sea has no guarantee there are any fish within your casting distance.

I do not knock people that fish ponds as its there choice but i would not do it, and as i said i could sit and watch others doing it and i enjoy that.
When I was a kid - yes was once, we used to fish the local mill pond with tank aerials and kp Merritt fs reel, quill float, size 12 hook. Bait was flour & water mixed to make a dough ball. Caught small crucian carp, roach, rudd. Used to ice skate in the winter on it when we had a week of frosts. My motto is: if you can't eat it don't catch it, if undersize then return.
Don't knock it until you've tried it is my motto! Carp caught on a home tied creation are great sport on a 7/8wt single hand fly rod. I'm not talking about waters that are heavily stocked commercial waters. The ponds are ancient and the carp stocked many decades ago. It's certainly not easy fishing. There's large rudd too that occasionally rise to a small dry fly. Sea fishing is heavy handed in comparison. I enjoy being an all round angler. Others may not
I am a mad keep carper, I’m a moderator for a carp forum. Although I love my shore fishing and can become obsessive when bassing, I do enjoy the hunt after large carp. I don’t enjoy commercials that much, but I’ll take the boy as he enjoys them, for me it’s the large open pits with only a handful of old wily carp in it, or river/canal carp. They can really prove to be a challenge. I enjoy the rig tying, formulating and making the baits, hunting down a scaly leviathan and finally nailing it, waking up at dawn with the mist rising over a perfectly still estate lake. Unlocking the secrets of a particularly difficult water, it’s food for the soul. All fishing means different things to different people, I can wake up with an overwhelming urge to get the carp rods out, hit a water as much as possible, then see the surf hit the beach, know that the bass will be running the surf line and The overwhelming urge to get the beach rods out and off we go. So long as I’m fishing, I’m happy!
I am a mad keep carper, I’m a moderator for a carp forum. Although I love my shore fishing and can become obsessive when bassing, I do enjoy the hunt after large carp. I don’t enjoy commercials that much, but I’ll take the boy as he enjoys them, for me it’s the large open pits with only a handful of old wily carp in it, or river/canal carp. They can really prove to be a challenge. I enjoy the rig tying, formulating and making the baits, hunting down a scaly leviathan and finally nailing it, waking up at dawn with the mist rising over a perfectly still estate lake. Unlocking the secrets of a particularly difficult water, it’s food for the soul. All fishing means different things to different people, I can wake up with an overwhelming urge to get the carp rods out, hit a water as much as possible, then see the surf hit the beach, know that the bass will be running the surf line and The overwhelming urge to get the beach rods out and off we go. So long as I’m fishing, I’m happy!

What forum you on mate?
Nothing wrong with carping, not as easy as people think, anyone who thinks its easy can come with me to a water i know that is solid… be lucky to get 3 fish a year out.

On waters where the dumb fish have names and are almost hand fed. Try the barragems of Portugal, stuffed with wild fish, never seen a boillie, bit of sweetcorn on a bed of anything edible, potato peelings, fat, meatballs etc. 10 or 15 in a shift is common and they can run 5 -15lb, so easy it is almost slaughter and becomes boring.
On waters where the dumb fish have names and are almost hand fed. Try the barragems of Portugal, stuffed with wild fish, never seen a boillie, bit of sweetcorn on a bed of anything edible, potato peelings, fat, meatballs etc. 10 or 15 in a shift is common and they can run 5 -15lb, so easy it is almost slaughter and becomes boring.

I’m not one for shooting ducks in a barrel, carping has to have a story behind the capture. Not day tickets etc, to many prats fish them for my liking. I’d rather sit it out for 72 hours and catch 1 decent fish.