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South East Cable ties......


I am the god of hell fire
Staff member
Sep 26, 2020
Reaction score
Decided on a spur of the moment session chasing thornback rays on Thursday evening.
Arrived to find only one other angler on the beach.
Conditions were perfect. I quickly tackled up only to find one of my reels had broken ☹️
Having foolishly not bought a spare, it was cable ties to the rescue!


The repair held and battle could commence.
I'll cut to the chase. Fishing was crap.
4 dogfish and 4 sea rats. Sea rats! It's may, what are the sea rats still doing? They should be long gone!☹️

I'm going to have to try again next week. Need to get a ton up of thornies this year!
At least you managed to mend reels ,and didn't blank well done mate ,I've always got cable ties & tape in my fishing box,didn't you check reels before you went ? ???
Where there is a will, there is a way! Glad you managed to get fishing.
One of the best fishing accessories l use, after seeing Haddock use them, are re-usable cable ties. For those that don't know, they have a little button on them to release them, so they can be used over and over. It helps to bundle things up tight and securely and saves on plastic waste. You can get them from ebay.
Good idea to be carrying something like that, especially as they weigh nothing and have a multitude of uses. Another addition to my box definitely. Also you didn't blank so not all bad. Nice one.
Nice bit of diy there shirl shame the decent fish didn’t rock up you deserved better bey ??
Really strong spring run of big whiting still in the Thames as well. Was catching then even in the shallow water over the banks at the weekend. I agree with you they should be long gone by now.
Good one Shirls - well done on the Reel fix! ??
Lucky you didn’t lose a monster because of it!!
100 rays is a tough task, I’ve managed 98. Lol
Marvellous reel Ambassadeur 6500. Definitely worth repairing. ??