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North Wales Beach today


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2020
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Decided to get back to the beach for a change. Been a while. Headed down to Tanybwylch. Arrived just on low. Fished the beach, fished the rough at the south end, fished the breakwater, lobbed baits in amongst the boulders close in, tried a few longer casts too. Blanked and blanked and blanked again. Nice sunset was about the highlight and there's too many fu king dogs. I'll be back on the perch for a while longer I think.
Decided to get back to the beach for a change. Been a while. Headed down to Tanybwylch. Arrived just on low. Fished the beach, fished the rough at the south end, fished the breakwater, lobbed baits in amongst the boulders close in, tried a few longer casts too. Blanked and blanked and blanked again. Nice sunset was about the highlight and there's too many fu king dogs. I'll be back on the perch for a while longer I think.
So where is Tanybwylch ?
Decided to get back to the beach for a change. Been a while. Headed down to Tanybwylch. Arrived just on low. Fished the beach, fished the rough at the south end, fished the breakwater, lobbed baits in amongst the boulders close in, tried a few longer casts too. Blanked and blanked and blanked again. Nice sunset was about the highlight and there's too many fu king dogs. I'll be back on the perch for a while longer I think.
Well done getting out and giving it a bash, shame the fish didnt play ball. Ive not fished there since last winter, had a few small whiting and the usual doggies but got weeded out. Used to enjoy our fishing meets, just got lazy these last few years. Alawys remember meeting up with Stu there and he headed off from the car before me, by the time i got set up and headed over from the carpark Stu was in the water, freak wave had taken him off the breakwater. He was still attached to his rucksack by treble hook off a lure straight through his hand and the rucksack, everytime time a wave hit him and pulled the rucksack he screamed in pain :ROFLMAO: bit serious at the time but managed to get him to shore, feck it was funny :ROFLMAO:
At least you gave it a go mate, better luck next time... (y)
