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North Wales Typical Welsh weather!

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
In this weeks search for Basszilla, I decided to start the week at a mark where I had heard of some very nice bass caught recently and I couldn't have asked for nicer weather, with hot sunshine and a temperature of 19° in the shade :cool:. Sadly, combined with a small tide these conditions weren't to the fishes liking and in 3 and a half hours fishing I didn't get a touch :cry:.

Once darkness fell and the temperature dropped, I still wasn't feeling the vibe so I decided to move to another nearby mark, to see if my luck improved.

I knew almost straight away that this was the right thing to do, as I arrived to the sound of bass topping out in the darkness, and after a few casts to figure out what lure they wanted, I was off the mark with a bass of 48cm (y).
Bass 49 2024.jpg

Over the next 40 minutes I caught another 3 bass of 47, 46 & 48cm, to take me over the half century for the year 🥳,
Bass 51 2024.jpg

before the fish went completely off the feed and I called it a night.

Next up was Thursday evening and the warm spring sunshine was a distant memory, as for the first 2 hours of the session I fished through rain of almost biblical proportions 😳.
The rain did eventually stop, to leave a gorgeous calm and misty evening, but the fishing still wasn't the easiest.

The bass were still there, but once again, probably due to the small tides, they weren't exactly smashing my lures. I persevered though and over the next 3 hours, and countless lure changes, I managed to add another 4 bass to my tally 🤩.
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Bass 55 2024.jpg

So that's another week of steady catches, but still no sign of a decent fish 🤷‍♂️. Hopefully the bigger tides next week will lead to some bigger bass showing 🤞.
Thanks gents (y), it's been a pretty consistent start to the season so far 😊.

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