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Thought I was seeing things.

I managed to find this on Amazon out of curiosity!
It's been listed since April 2023, and nobody has spotted the mistake! 😂😂😂
I managed to find this on Amazon out of curiosity!
It's been listed since April 2023, and nobody has spotted the mistake! 😂😂😂

I did . On first glance today . 😋😋😋

But as you say Tramps, how many others have seen it and not have it register ?
l want one made from Fillet steak, then when I do my blanking I still have something to eat .

How do you like your rods sir , Rare Medium or Well done ?

I did . On first glance today . 😋😋😋

But as you say Tramps, how many others have seen it and not have it register ?
l want one made from Fillet steak, then when I do my blanking I still have something to eat .

How do you like your rods sir , Rare Medium or Well done ?


Don`t laugh, not that many years back that Hardy were advertising fly rods made from carrots. It was actually a tiny bit of some cell structure that was incorporated into the carbon manufacturing. Made from carrots sounded better.


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