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North Wales The downs and ups of lure fishing.

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
With my tally of continuous blank free lure sessions standing at a personal best 15, I had planned to try a completely new mark on Tuesday in the hope of a better fish, but truth be told I wasn’t feeling particularly confident about it. As it happened, my mate who was supposed to show me the way to the mark didn’t get in touch, so I bottled it 😄 and took the opportunity to fish a mark I know well instead, where I felt much more confident of keeping my roll going. As it happened though, this turned out not to be a good decision ☹️.

Conditions at my chosen mark looked good, and going by my previous sessions there this year I should have been in with a chance of a few fish, but for some reason I just wasn’t feeling it and apart from a couple of small sea trout jumping, I saw no signs of life. As if that wasn’t bad enough, after almost 5 hours of fishing without any signs of life, things suddenly got a whole lot worse when my lure flew off into the darkness, as my leader knot inexplicably gave way 😳.

Little did I know, but this was just the start of my misfortunes, and after trying on a new leader I discovered that the braid was tangled around the rod tip, so I had to cut it off and re-tie it again! 🤦‍♂️

Everything was soon in place, and I was ready to start fishing again, but then despite a completely dry weather forecast, the heavens unexpectedly opened and out of nowhere, I got absolutely soaked!! 🌧️😰

If that wasn't bad enough, when I looked up there were stars showing everywhere and the only cloud in an otherwise clear sky, was directly above me!!! 🤪

Needless to say, this resulted in my first blank since April 4th and though I was gutted 😭, I tried to be philosophical about it, so I kept telling myself that all good things must come to an end 🤷‍♂️, and I immediately started making plans for the following night, when hopefully I would get straight back on the bass trail 🎣🤞.

After giving it some thought, the following evening I found myself on a rough ground mark, a couple of hours after low water and though the water clarity wasn’t the best, the sight of terns diving further out meant I was hopeful of a few fish. Despite these signs, things were quiet to begin with, as I was slowly pushed back by the rapidly flooding tide, but a couple of hours before high water a strong right to left current developed.

Now from personal experience, I knew that the bass would be feeding in this rip, as it carried small fish across the boulders, so I clipped on a Lemon Meringue Swimish, and sure enough, 10 minutes later the trials and tribulations of the previous night were forgotten about, when I landed a hard fighting schoolie of 40cm 😊.
Bass 75 2024.jpg

Over the next 30 minutes I fished it hard, but despite a series of boils and splashes on the surface, and the frequent sight of baitfish scattering across the surface, I had to settle for just a couple of missed hits 😢. Eventually, I was pushed further and further away from the feeding fish, and with the rapidly fading light making it increasingly difficult to make my way around in the rock-strewn water, I decided to sound the retreat and to move somewhere else.

For the next 45 minutes I walked along the shore, trying a few casts in any likely looking places, and I must have covered at least a mile by the time I eventually found the bass. Over the course of the next 80 minutes, I caught 4 more bass between 30 and 47cm 🤩,
Bass 78 2024.jpg

but eventually time caught up with me and I reluctantly called it a night 🥱.

I wasn’t quite finished yet though and, on the way, back to the car I just happened to spot a likely looking mark, which I couldn’t possibly pass without having a cheeky couple of casts 😁. Sadly, they failed to tempt anything into an attack, so I decided just to have 1 more cast for luck before heading for home. I pinged my Mishna out to maximum range, and I had only turned the reel handle a couple of times when bang! The lure was hit. After a nervous couple of minutes, bass number 6 of the night, and 80 for the year was successfully landed 🥳, and Tuesday’s little setback was well and truly forgotten 😂.
Bass 80 2024.jpg
Unlucky on the blank, i was beginning to wonder whether you were a mortal like the rest of us :ROFLMAO: Didnt last long, you soon got back out catching. well done Andy (y)

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