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spinning reels

I've never had a reel without a switchable 'backwind' but can't see it would be a problem.
I'm terrible if out fishing & yapping (!) for sometimes winding in a little too much before another cast, so it is handy to be able to switch the backwind off for a second to let some line back out rather than fiddle with the drag.
I've never had a reel without a switchable 'backwind' but can't see it would be a problem.
I'm terrible if out fishing & yapping (!) for sometimes winding in a little too much before another cast, so it is handy to be able to switch the backwind off for a second to let some line back out rather than fiddle with the drag.
We called it the "check"
I mostly have it on (so not able to wind back) and just use the drag if need a bit of line to pull through.
Been caught with it running backwards before and fully tangled line and reel, and i never comfortable spinning knowing it could go backwards.
If using braid no, as above just get used to using drag. If using mono just using drag can put un wanted coils in your line.
Personally I like my drag set very tight and rely on backwinding as I feel more in control. It's not as if bass run fast and a loose drag just causes problems if a decent pollack or wrasse takes the lure. Conversley you can backwind like buggery if a sewin takes the lure to get it's head down
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