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South West Scotland advice


New member
Sep 9, 2024
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Hello fellow anglers,

Me and a few mates are fancying shore fishing up SW Scotland sometime in mid November. I'm after some advice for where to go and what species are expected during this time.

I went on "on yer marks" charter boat years ago, so I'm a little familiar with Luce Bay, or what vague memories o have of the area.

Does anyone know if Luce Bay fishes any good from the shore in mid November? Does it get cold enough for cod to come in during November? Are there any good marks? Would I be better off going somewhere different in SW Scotland?

Welcome to the Madhouse Dicky. 👍👍

I'm at the opposite end of our fair Island so can't offer any advice, but someone who can will probably be along at some point.
It's a welcome from me as well (y)
Welcome. I've only fished Luce Bay from the kayak in summer so can't help with marks. I've seen a few YouTuber videos fishing from the shore so maybe pick up a few tips there.
Hello fellow anglers,

Me and a few mates are fancying shore fishing up SW Scotland sometime in mid November. I'm after some advice for where to go and what species are expected during this time.

I went on "on yer marks" charter boat years ago, so I'm a little familiar with Luce Bay, or what vague memories o have of the area.

Does anyone know if Luce Bay fishes any good from the shore in mid November? Does it get cold enough for cod to come in during November? Are there any good marks? Would I be better off going somewhere different in SW Scotland?

There could be cod about in November. The most well known cod mark on the Scottish side of the solway is the flat rock at balcary. If you were to Google it I am sure it will bring up many hours of watching and reading.👍
Thanks mate, hit the nail on the head to what I was asking. Would we be better off waiting until December for the cod to show?
Let's hope the cod do show🤞 Loads of good sized thornbacks but very few codling was the concensus from my mates in the area. It used to be a great bit of coastline for the cod but things have most definitely changed for the worse. Can it ever bounce back?
There could be cod about in November. The most well known cod mark on the Scottish side of the solway is the flat rock at balcary. If you were to Google it I am sure it will bring up many hours of watching and reading.👍
It used to be almost a pilgrimage for many
Codling are omnipresent but not in huge numbers and localised, larger specimens are thin on the ground due to overfishing 50/70 years ago and continued pressures.
November is a bitterly cold month usually up there, but rock marks throw up decent pollock, which fight better than any cod pound for pound.
I’ve had salmon from the coast in November, so anything is doable.

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