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North Wales Some variety in December.

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
The fishing hasn't been very exciting since I put the lure gear away for the winter, with the conger and rays refusing to play ball 😢.

On Thursday night I decided on a change of pace, and I headed for the west coast of the island in search of coalies, and maybe the chance of a late bass 🤞.

Things began quietly, but once the tide started to push the fish came on the feed 👍.

First to fall for my offering was a schoolie of 34cm, only a little un but my first ever December bass which means I have now caught a bass in every month of the year :giggle:, so I was chuffed to bits 🥳.
Bass 145 2024.jpg

Next up was a very shy 5-bearded rockling 🫣,
5-brd Rockling - Dec 19th 2024.jpg

followed by my target species number 2, a nice coalie
Coalie 1 - Dec 19th 2024.jpg

This was followed by the obligatory whiting,
Whiting - Dec 19th 2024.jpg

thankfully the only one of the night 😁, before the coalies returned.

Over the next 90 minutes I caught 3 more to around the 2lb mark 🙌,
Coalie 3 - Dec 19th 2024.jpg

before I reluctantly called it a night at 1am 🥱.
Thanks for the replies gents (y),

Have you not thought about targeting wrasse on sp’s over the winter months seems to be a fair few caught this way 👍

Wrasse are daylight feeders, and unfortunately I don't get out much in the daytime over the winter months.

My lure gear is well and truly packed away now, probably until March.
Great report Andy and a special achievement, to be able to say you have caught a bass in every month of the year!

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