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Advice Shakespeare Seatbox Sherpa


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2019
Reaction score
Malvern Hills
Favourite Fishing
Anyone got one of these and are they any good. For years I've just used the shoulder strap on the seatbox, but it's now becoming a struggle. Looks like the Sherpa converts it into an on the back rucksack carrier. Is it worth £25?
Anyone got one of these and are they any good. For years I've just used the shoulder strap on the seatbox, but it's now becoming a struggle. Looks like the Sherpa converts it into an on the back rucksack carrier. Is it worth £25?
Yes, went from Sherpa to breakaway, should have just stayed with the Sherpa.
Yes I’ve got one, it’s fine and I also find it okay to carry the box long distances.

Two things I have found with it, which don’t especially bother me but to be aware of…

If you fish sandy or muddy marks, which I do a lot, and also have to move around a lot, which I also do, there’s no real option but to put it down in the sand/mud/water and so it gets a bit caked up and wet.
Which may give you a wet/sandy/muddy back when you carry it back to the car.
Doesn’t matter to me, they’re fishing clothes, I usually have a spare t shirt or hoody in the car if I wasn’t wearing a coat and the Sherpa itself can easily be washed out in a bucket or put in the washing machine, I’ve done both.
I only mention this as I know some anglers who would be ‘Urgh! It’s all sandy! Urgh! I can’t use it!’
Personally couldn’t give two hoots but some might not like that.

The other thing is the plastic buckles. They’re quite hard and brittle and easy to snap if you stand on them - which is easy to do if you unstrap the box then forget about them while you’re moving around. I know now to tuck them in close to the box - or indeed on surf beaches when moving a lot I strap it to my tripod, also keeps it out the wet.
They’re plenty strong enough for normal wear and tear though do become a bit worn and can pop out over time - only very occasionally though.

If all that sounds negative, it’s not meant to be - I’ve had mine years and it’s seen a lot of use so have more than had my money’s worth.
Damage to the buckles has mostly been self inflicted and I’m on my second one (but have still had that years) after breaking buckles on the previous one.
Actually if they’re still only £25 I might have to get another as the buckles on mine are pretty worn now and the central chest one is missing (after I broke it).

The actual material and stitching etc is still perfectly fine on mine.
I actually used some long thin webbing straps & bungee cord to hold the sherpa straps to both the box & to the lid, when unclipped
to keep the plastic clips up out of the way.
I actually used some long thin webbing straps & bungee cord to hold the sherpa straps to both the box & to the lid, when unclipped
to keep the plastic clips up out of the way.
That’s a good shout!

On flat wet sandy beaches I do strap it to my tripod, as I say.
But then those beaches we’re moving every 20 minutes or so, plus they’re constantly wet and it keeps it off the floor at least

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