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South East Semphire pt2


Apr 10, 2022
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Favourite Fishing
Well decided for a second day at semphire , started off quiet with a couple of nibbles on a 2 hook flapper with lugworm then a small ballen , then a couple of dogs for the missus one on lug other on cuttle , the back to quiet so put a float out despite the strong winds 30min later a little pollock took the float from along the wall baited with a strip of bluey over the next couple of hours a small pouting and 3 more dogs for me then the rod bounces off the rest with the biggest dog of the day , quick rebait and back out than a lovely ballen , and the final fish of the day another little pollock on the float. all in all a most enjoyable day despite the wind , must have 20-30 mackerel bashers out at semphire today only heard of one mackerel being caught , tight lines all


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Great catch report thank you. I love catching pollock on float. Great fun ???
Well decided for a second day at semphire , started off quiet with a couple of nibbles on a 2 hook flapper with lugworm then a small ballen , then a couple of dogs for the missus one on lug other on cuttle , the back to quiet so put a float out despite the strong winds 30min later a little pollock took the float from along the wall baited with a strip of bluey over the next couple of hours a small pouting and 3 more dogs for me then the rod bounces off the rest with the biggest dog of the day , quick rebait and back out than a lovely ballen , and the final fish of the day another little pollock on the float. all in all a most enjoyable day despite the wind , must have 20-30 mackerel bashers out at semphire today only heard of one mackerel being caught , tight lines all

Haven't fished there for a few years, I remember it as providing plenty of small fish but being a tackle graveyard if fished close in.

The first Wrasse is a Corkwing, not a Ballan
Nice report & photos Paul - well done mate! ????
Haven't fished there for a few years, I remember it as providing plenty of small fish but being a tackle graveyard if fished close in.

The first Wrasse is a Corkwing, not a Ballan
Thanks for that , I wasn't sure as i know ballan can vary a lot
Nice mixed bag ??

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